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New Pedal Build : Dying Sonar


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So, How do you keep the guitar signal from loading into the signal path of the effect? a resistor? WTF?



its a synth, not an effect. the circuit itself has no input, only output. the pedal has an input but it goes straight top the output jack. however I do have six (yes, 6) diodes in series at the synth's output to prevent the guitar's dry signal from being shorted to ground when I bring the synth's volume all the way down. the diode's breakdown voltage also produce a neat ducking effect when I'm playing loudly. speudo-modulation!

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new video. excuse my crappy playing for the first couple minutes. I was doing much better earlier today. anyways its just to show how it works with a guitar plugged in, along with other effects in the chain. the later half of the video is mostly drone


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in the first clip (especially if you wear headphones) i nthe first seconds before there is any sound, you can hear a low rumble. that's my neighbor Jay who's also a noisy/experemental musician of sorts. ;) a lot of it sounded like Merzbow on that day. sometimes it sounded like being inside a waterfall (through the walls of course)

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I need one of these for my new ambient/post rock band! How much?




I do want to sell a few these but its not for at least a few months down the line. and I want to release something else first. if I had to guess at the cost, around $125 for this useless gimmick. but yeah, not for a few (several) months.


most of my second vid is crap, though I'm really digging the middle drone part. I might rip myself off and use that as part of my jan 10 gig

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