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Blofeld Demo MP3s


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Matrixsynth is subscribed to the Waldorf list. And when something important is posted there, its also posted on his site for all to see.

So these teasers were all first announced on the Waldorf list. So you were right Naill.

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I have an XT and a Q, but mysteriously I find myself getting excited about this synth - maybe just because it's a sign that Waldorf is indeed back, and the Stromberg will come eventually. I have some credit at AH, and might even pick one up, even though quite obviously, it won't be adding very much.

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Does the Blofeld do all the *real* wavetable stuff the XT does?

Or am a pitifully confused?



To me it looks like that the blofeld has the wavetables of the xt but no way of scanning them with a modifier (env, lfo, etc.). That is pretty much the same with the Q or uQ only you have more waves to choose from.


However, the wavetables of the XT are mostly extrapolations of just "a few" single waves. I always thought that these waves were part of the Q/uQ already. This is all very confusing but since Waldorf did not praise wavetable scanning in their specs on their webpage I would not hold my breath.

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To me it looks like that the blofeld has the wavetables of the xt but no way of scanning them with a modifier (env, lfo, etc.). That is pretty much the same with the Q or uQ only you have more waves to choose from.


Sure it can. Wavetable position is a mod destination in the Micro-Q and Q as well. The downdside of the Q/mQ is that there are only two tables which are sort of a "best of" from the XT.


However, the wavetables of the XT are mostly extrapolations of just "a few" single waves.


Not at all, many tables are allmost completely full and some are full. Many times if you want simple morphs, you only want a few waves in the table - the interpolation in the "in between" waves is seamless.


I always thought that these waves were part of the Q/uQ already.


Not really, the XT has 300 rom waves that are assembled into 65 rom tables. The XT also allows the use of user waves and user tables...


This is all very confusing but since Waldorf did not praise wavetable scanning in their specs on their webpage I would not hold my breath.


There is literally no point in having a table without scanning, you could just have a "waveform selection" setting and leave it at that ;)


Rest assured that the Blofeld has scanning, just like the Q/mQ does...it can, after all, import mQ patches.


The cool news is that you'll have all 65 XT tables in there in addition to the two Q/mQ ones as well. It dosen't look like there'll be user tables though :(


I've got a page showing some of the wavetables here:

http://www.carbon111.com/xtwavetables.html ...its still a "work in progress".


...and an intro to the Microwave XT that explains the use of wavetables here:



As an example of something most folks miss, if you use keytrack as a wavetable modulator instead of an envelope or LFO, every key on a 61 key keyboard will play a completely different waveform.

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James to the rescue...damn, what you know about the uWave stuff is just scary, man. I really was hoping they'd allow for user waves/tables in Blofeld like the XT - that would be the icing on the cake although as much as I'd like to say I've explored my XT I really haven't pushed its boundaries. I guess it isn't an impossibility, but might be beyond their plans for that little box. Cool tip about the keytrack as wavetable mod...whacked-out drumkits, anyone? :freak:


So James, you thinking about trying out a Blofeld or are ya waiting for the Strom? I'd kinda thought about just acquiring a Q rack to sit next to the XT rack and look at Strom in a few years (if it ever materializes) but the Blofeld seems to be giving me a little GAS right now...

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Rest assured that the Blofeld has scanning, just like the Q/mQ does...it can, after all, import mQ patches.



I do not own a Q-series synthesizer but I assume that the scanning through the wavetable is jumping from wave to wave without interpolation. That is possible with the XT as well, but most of the organic wavetable sounds come when the jumps are less drastic. It is almost as when you scan the upper wavetable of the PPG and these results never pleased me.


However, since they claim that it has the XT wavetables they might just filled all the rom with waves (even the interpolated waves) to get a similar result as with the XT. I am not sure whey Waldorf is not marketing the blofeld as a wavetable synthesizer as well?? We soon will see.

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I do not own a Q-series synthesizer but I assume that the scanning through the wavetable is jumping from wave to wave without interpolation.


The Q's wavetables can be scrolled through using envelopes and LFO's and what-have-you and they're as fluid and interpolated-through as can be.


The main differences:


- there's only 2 of 'm

- they use 127 positions (including a small range that convincingly does a DX e-piano)

- you can't put your user waveforms in there.

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Interesting thread. I have always been able to recreate 'PPG like" sounds using the Q easier than on the XT.


FWIW, the XT's wavetables are a superset of those on the PPG synths - I've gotten extremely close to PPG sounds by turning all the quality settings on the XT off.


The Q is almnost too smooth to do a convincing emulation of a PPG ;)

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The Q's wavetables can be scrolled through using envelopes and LFO's and what-have-you and they're as fluid and interpolated-through as can be.

The main differences:

- there's only 2 of 'm

- they use 127 positions (including a small range that convincingly does a DX e-piano)

- you can't put your user waveforms in there.


Thanks for the info. I guess the blofeld will be a step closer to the XT. However, on sequencer.de there is a statement that the blofeld will not replace your XT because of different filter and wave envelope. However, I could live with a normal ADSR for waves, that is what I use normally anyway.


If this is all truth I wonder what the Stromberg has to offer in addition?? :love:

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You have 32 tables (or are there even more, I do not know right now) with each 64 waves. As you stated there are only 300 rom waves. That makes 300 waves for 2000+ holders. So, most of the wavetables are interpolation even some of the waves are used in several wavetables. That was the trick with the PPG already and it is here too. If you are using SD you can see actually the wavetable postions occupied by the rom waves and the interpolation.


Each table uses 61 slots - the last three are standard synth waves. Many of the tables are rather full with 30 or more waves. The true PWM table and the chorus tables are good examples. Remember, I'm very familiar with the structure of the xt wavetables:

http://www.carbon111.com/xtwavetables.html :D


The question you could ask the Virus A-C users that are using their wavetables without any scanning capabilities. Nevertheless, these waveforms are very useful at times.


The A-C viruses don't have any wavetables in the PPG-sense of the word, they're static "spectral" waveforms that Access called "wavetable synthesis" in the same way Clavia is on the new Nord Wave and the Nord Stage...they don't have wavetables either.


I do not own a Q-series synthesizer but I assume that the scanning through the wavetable is jumping from wave to wave without interpolation.


No, there certainly is interpolation.


That is possible with the XT as well, but most of the organic wavetable sounds come when the jumps are less drastic.


Thats true, but you can controll the amount of interpolation in the XT.


However, since they claim that it has the XT wavetables they might just filled all the rom with waves (even the interpolated waves) to get a similar result as with the XT.


That would be pointless. The recent news was that all 65 of the XT's rom wavetables will be present, not just the XT's rom waveform lookup table.

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But the Q PPG-filter is more PPGish then the XT filter.

The Specs on the Waldorf page tells us about the PPG-filter in the Blofeld (keeping fingers crossed). And the XT wavetables are in there too.

This sounds like a little PPG to me.

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