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Pre amps, Compressors, etc in your RAck ?


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Hey there

im actually changing my rig, so here is my problem


Im tired of the weigth, so i want to keep my rig smaller

I need a rack mixer (rane Sm 82) seems to work for me, cause i use

4 keyboards, that will be 4 stereo inputs.


What else do i need in my rack, some friend told me about a compressor

or a Pre amp for the warming, but i dont now what to do


can you give me some advice, or tell me what are you using in your Rack


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In my studio rack, I've got a Focusrite Penta, which is both a preamp and compressor. However I only use it for recording, not for gigging. I haven't found that I need it for live keyboards. Although I do use a Mesa Boogie preamp and a compressor pedal when I play guitar.

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For keyboards/synths (depends on style of music), reverb and delay are my basics, ideally a good multi-fx that can do both very well and has fairly free internal fx routing. Next up, multi-band compressor is very useful for some paino work house/dance style sounds. Analog expander+compressor combo also excellent fot that. If you want a bit of bounce in you live mix, then a side-chainable gentle compressor works wonders for that - key it from a drum machine or even a send mix from the kick and snare mics. I quite like having a gentle tubey grunger as well - its just something that gets use from the most gentle warming settings to hard overdrive on many rompler sounds for me.


Other stuff I find useful is an EQ and a multi-band compressor as well - I dont use the multi-band for foh mix, band rather as an insert on things like pianos to give them a hard edge and still keep the low end notes under control - leaving plenty of room for a bass player and kick etc.

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i find a compressor unnecessary on individual synthetic instruments since you already have total control of the dynamics at the source. in the mix it can certainly be useful to do subgroups, of course.


if this is indeed for live, you won't need one. compression (if it's even needed) is the FOH guy's job ('sound guy').


like MC said, get a multi FX. budget about 300 dollars and you'll have a fairly easy to operate and modern sounding effects box that'll work well on the aux send of your mixer. lexicon, alesis, they're cheap for what they are and what they do.

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