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Obama signs $787 billion stimulus plan into law...


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...and the Dow drops almost 300 points. More change we can believe in? Here's some interesting figures (which I didn't write):




The Democrat's 'Stimulus' Bill

- Base Cost = $789 billion.

- Cost with Interest = $1.1 trillion. Because all this money

needs to borrowed, the interest bill will be at least $300 billion.

- Cost if Certain Provisions Are Made Permanent = $3 trillion.

When was the last time any Federal program was temporary? According to

the Congressional Budget Office [CBO], extending about half the

provisions in the bill would increase its cost to $3 trillion.

- Cost Per Job = $263,000. Assuming the Obama Administration is

correct, and the bill will create at least 3 million jobs, that works

out to $263,000 per job.

- Cost Per Family = $9,900. Ultimately, all of this spending

will lead to demand for tax increases on the American people.

- Emergency? Emergency? Are the following items really

"emergency" funding needs to boost the economy?: $50 million for the

National Endowment for the Arts [NEA]; $300 million for golf carts;

and a last-minute quadrupling to $8 billion for high speed rail that

Senator Reid got to help build a Los Angeles-to-Las Vegas rail line.


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You're right man, let's continue what the old Administration was doing and stuffing all of our tax dollars into the tips of missiles and launch them into the air. Or just hand it in a nice briefcase to Haliburton and Dick Cheney. The stimulus bill may contain pork but there are provisions in it meant to put tax payer dollars back into their pockets. For example, any infrastructure work that uses stimulus money has to use steel made in the US. They can't look overseas for cheaper alternatives. Any bank that accepts bailout pay will have to put a cap on their executive salaries. Yep, really bad thing Mr. Obama is doing.

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oh and also, yeah the pork is pretty {censored}ed. but i wish we had alternatives. we actually do, but having a {censored}ty next couple years
isnt an answer our living-off-credit american's are willing to stomach.
and please dont tell me tax cuts.



THIS is what pisses me off the most. All those "get out of debt now" commercials make me vomit. I would almost rather {censored} hits the fan and all these people that are in mountians of debt are forced to pay it off, but then it would suck for those people that do pay it off at the same time..........tough call on this. And the comments about the pork isnt surprising. I would love to see any sort of fiscal bill that went through both houses w/o pork caked all over it.

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What I don't get is why NOW we care about borrowing more than we should. Where the {censored} were we 8 years ago when we handed Bush a blank check?



yeah man, thats what i was sayin'


i {censored}ing LOVE how neo-cons have "come back" to their fiscally conservative ideas all of a sudden, {censored} that {censored}.

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The Repub's are finally in the perfect position. They can't be blamed if something goes wrong, and all they have to do is sit back and throw poop (the only thing they're good at).


Right; and again, never mind the past 8 years of massive deficit spending that didn't go back into the domestic economy or infrastructure or healthcare--it went straight into the pockets of the wealthiest 1%--and all the wink-wink attitude towards the financial sector butt-raping the American middle class into the current mortgage death-spiral we find ourselves descending into. Remember Enron? Ken Lay, et al? Close personal friends of Bush. Just a small sampling of who's in bed with whom.


The right wing can whine, cry, accuse, blame, insult, twist, lie, bitch, pick apart, and make fun of the current administration's attempts at fixing the mess Bush got us all into, but the American public has already seen Republican politicians for what they are: fat, thieving liars.

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Right; and again, never mind the past 8 years of massive deficit spending that didn't go back into the domestic economy or infrastructure or healthcare--it went straight into the pockets of the wealthiest 1%--and all the wink-wink attitude towards the financial sector butt-raping the American middle class into the current mortgage death-spiral we find ourselves descending into. Remember Enron? Ken Lay, et al? Close personal friends of Bush. Just a small sampling of who's in bed with whom.



I agree with this 100%. A good read is an article by Clive Crook called The Height of Inequality.



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amen skr3ddy, although id like to take out republicans and insert neocons, there are still great republicans out there that didnt support big business/the wars/etc. unfortunately when you arent in the pocket of those people, you dont get much of a voice so we dont hear much from em.

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$1T is scary, but has anyone noticed the Social Security deficit? It's around $55T at last count. Whenever anyone tries to fix it they are branded as Elder abusers.


As of now the economy is 100% owned by the Dems, and it's highly unlikely things will get better in the 4 years Obama has. If things get better he'll have 8 years, if things get worse or stay the same, goodbye Dems. It'll be Carter all over again.



We should go back to the barter system. Money is dumb.



It may come to that. And growing your own food.

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$1T is scary, but has anyone noticed the Social Security deficit?
It's around $55T at last count.
Whenever anyone tries to fix it they are branded as Elder abusers.

As of now the economy is 100% owned by the Dems, and it's highly unlikely things will get better in the 4 years Obama has. If things get better he'll have 8 years, if things get worse or stay the same, goodbye Dems. It'll be Carter all over again.



Not just that either, but Medicare is gonna run out too soon.


My generation is probably more {censored}ed than all the people that were planning on retiring these days.

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