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Arturia's new Origin Keyboard for NAMM


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Would I be better off grabbing a Prophet 08' or getting an Origin 6 months to a year down the road? How hefty are their softies in terms of sucking up CPU power when running as a VST?


The Origin will be able to do a lot more things than the Prophet, but the Prophet is real analog. If you want analog, get the Prophet. Besides, the Origin has already been vaporware for a year. There's no guarantee it will actually arrive this year especially since this is their first attempt at real hardware.


The Arturia VSTs are real CPU hogs. I played one note on their Jupiter 8V demo and it used up 100% of the CPU on my laptop :freak:

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I am really interested in this board.

How many of you are familiar with Arturia? I'm really digging the demo sounds, but being fairly new to the synth world, how accurate are their emulations?

Would I be better off grabbing a Prophet 08' or getting an Origin 6 months to a year down the road? How hefty are their softies in terms of sucking up CPU power when running as a VST?

To give you an idea of what I am running with, I am running Ableton as my DAW and VST host on a Mac (2.2Ghz w/ 4gigs of RAM & a 7200RPM external hard-drive)... I plan on upgrading my MOTU 828MkII to an Apogee Ensemble... I am curious as if I'd get a better playing experience from the Arturia Origin, getting a Prophet 08' (and running the analog outs of the Prophet 08' into the Apogee) or just grabbing the Analog Sound Factory software package?

Advices? Budget isn't really too much of an issue. What would you do?

I noticed
has plenty experience in the department.... hint hint!





I have the Analog Factory demo and I've gotta say I'm not too thrilled with it. Ok sounds, but not flexible enough for me programming-wise. Maybe I'd like the retail version more, but if I don't like the demo, why would I shell out? The basics sounds are there, but I find I want to tweak to get them to where I'd like them to be, and there's just nothing to tweak. No re-routing of modulation as far as I can tell. Just not the best piece out there for the price.


I do use Zero-G Nostalgia, which I like a lot, despite some issues. I run it on an Intel Mac, which it isn't supposed to run on, but it works, is rock solid, and pretty easy on the CPU. It also isn't super-flexible, but more so than AF. But it's got plenty of workable sounds right out of the box. The sounds are close enough for live work, although I probably wouldn't want to use it as an emulator for recording. But mangle the sounds and you've got something else entirely.


Anyway, I can't comment on the Origin, although it looks pretty damn cool.

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The Origin will be able to do a lot more things than the Prophet, but the Prophet is real analog. If you want analog, get the Prophet. Besides, the Origin has already been vaporware for a year. There's no guarantee it will actually arrive this year especially since this is their first attempt at real hardware.

The Arturia VSTs are real CPU hogs. I played
note on their Jupiter 8V demo and it used up 100% of the CPU on my laptop


I think the Arturia stuff sounds ok but not for how resource intensive it is. I think there's free stuff that sounds just as good or better and is a lot more well designed. IMO, of course.

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I think the Arturia stuff sounds ok but not for how resource intensive it is. I think there's free stuff that sounds just as good or better and is a lot more well designed. IMO, of course.



What are the free softies? Or the other ones that stand up against Arturia? I'd love to give them a whirl on my setup!




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After watching one of the Arturia videos on their website, I am still amazed that people in the business cannot pronounce Moog correctly.



I pronounce it wrongly even though I know the correct way... force of habit and also helps with the conversation I think..

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I was interested in this last year when first announced, I like others have concerns over the CME hardware. Until I get to demo one myself in my head I just can't justify this price. As far as the hinges, I remember ppl were concerned with the Radias's kybd hinges but after 1.5 yrs of gigging the hinges have never been an issue at all.

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What are the free softies? Or the other ones that stand up against Arturia? I'd love to give them a whirl on my setup!





Check out MinimougeVA:






Also head over to KVRAudio.com, its a whole forum dedicated to softsynth discussion.


Personally, I don't really like software 'emulations' of real analog instruments. I think VSTi's really come into their own when they actually take advantage of being a digital instrument - like Native Instrument's Massive or Rob Papen's Blue. You end up paying a lot for the name when you buy a softsynth named after a classic, but you don't get the sound to go along with it IMO.


If you want real analog sound, follow the advice of the folks here and go with a Prophet 08 or a newer Moog.

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I think the Arturia stuff sounds ok but not for how resource intensive it is. I think there's free stuff that sounds just as good or better and is a lot more well designed. IMO, of course.



I was just watching this Arturia Origin demo video from SonicState: http://www.sonicstate.com/news/shownews.cfm?newsid=5976


And regarding that Origin patch when guy says "I just connected two minimoogs" i asked myself what is the difference in that sound vs. freeware Triangle VSTi? In fact, how do i know he isn't actually playing freeware Triangle synth? Or two Triangles synths "connected together"?



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Might be the codec, but it sounds really bad to me. Very anemic. At that price it should have more than 2 SHARC DSPs.

Guys sounds like British Bill Cosby...."Rudy, ya see, the Origin, ya see".


The Origin *does* have more than two SHARCs - it has two TigerSHARCs, which are orders of magnitude more powerful than plain-jane SHARCs.


As for Mr. Darieau, he's a monster player but his strength is *not* in describing the geeky details of synths. I know this personally - because I demo'd with him at last year's NAMM show. His English accent is French influenced and is actually pretty cool-sounding when he's not shouting over the din of the NAMM show floor. That fact that he's a great player and a really nice guy is also a bonus. :D

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I was pretty shocked when the Origin price was announced last year. I hope it doesn't become an albatross for Arturia the way the Avatar was for ARP.


There was some scuttlebutt on the VintangeSynth forum claiming that Arturia said at this year's NAMM show that they were going up on their prices. I shot an email to them for official word, and it turns out that they've been able to *cut* their prices from the originally announced MSRPs, which should also cascade down to the discount pricing you'd see from vendors.


From: Frederic Brun

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 7:48 AM

To: Houston Haynes

Subject: Re: Origin/Origin Keyboard pricing

The Desktop should be $2499 MSRP.

The keyboard should be $2999 MSRP.

This is official and you can use that.



As I mentioned in that thread, my take on it is that they saw a lot more interest/orders at the NAMM show and so felt confident that the manufacturing volume will be enough that they can make it through some breakpoint that will let them produce them at a lower per-unit cost. I did quite a bit of that kind of analysis when I worked for Bob Moog (back in the early-mid 90s), and as mentioned earlier in this thead - from a manufacturing perspective synthesizers are a boutique business. And component-level breakpoints in the BOM matter *a lot*, particularly with big-ticket items such as LCD displays and beefy DSP processors. If we were talking about microwave ovens or cell phones it would be a different story. Regardless, I think this disarms a lot of people that were sour-graping their way through grousing about the price. You know - if you don't like the price, stick with their plugins - it's a self-resolving equation, the best kind of math.



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if i don't like the price then i'll have a damn good time mocking them on teh internets about their unrealistic expectations.

and it'll be damn good fun.


Whatever boats your float - I'll be making music in the meantime. :poke:

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The Origin *does* have more than two SHARCs - it has two
, which are
orders of magnitude more powerful
than plain-jane SHARCs.

As for Mr. Darieau, he's a monster player but his strength is *not* in describing the geeky details of synths. I know this personally - because I demo'd with him at last year's NAMM show. His English accent is French influenced and is actually pretty cool-sounding when he's not shouting over the din of the NAMM show floor. That fact that he's a great player and a really nice guy is also a bonus.


Hi Houston. Hope things are going well. Been a long time.

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