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Fender Strat into Roland JC120: Best distortion pedals.


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I love my JC, but rarely run straight dirt in front of it. Most of the dirt I love is designed to push the front end of a tube amp into clipping which is a very very good thing. On the flip side, pushing the front end of a SS amp into clipping is usually NOT. I totally dig lots of wild, textured fuzz boxes into the JC b/c it stays clean & lets them do their thing. Especially stuff like a Muff or a bass-heavy fuzz works well, for me.


IF I were going to try to use a JC as my main amp, which would never ever happen, in a million-billion years, I'd probably have a DLS as the main dirt sound and stack fuzzes before it. That way I could have the DLS as a sort of 'dirt channel' and get fuzz-into-dirty-amp interaction if/when needed.


Just don't expect any clean boost/treble boost/OD stuff to come out sounding pretty.

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Would the JC120 be decent for Stoner Rock? Especially if I'm running a Swollen Pickle into it for dirt?



Oh dear no! The speakers on the JC are good, but not for the kind of heavy 'moving-objects-around-the-room' bass you'd want for stoner stuff. I'm sure you COULD make a JC work, but its deff. not well suited for the task. . .

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Oh dear no! The speakers on the JC are good, but not for the kind of heavy 'moving-objects-around-the-room' bass you'd want for stoner stuff. I'm sure you COULD make a JC work, but its deff. not well suited for the task. . .


Do you think the new Ampeg Micro Stack would be better?




I know its a SS Bass amp but since a lot of Desert/Stoner bands use(d) Ampeg I wonder if it would fit the bill.

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Again, I'd suggest something with speakers better suited to bass & volume. The pair of 10"s in that micro stack would probably be pretty tight & punchy, up to a point, but it doesn't look like a recipe for stoner/doom to me.


Of course, a talented dude/dudette can use just about anything for gear & get a killer sound, but if you're about to drop ~$5-600 on a rig & want to be able to get typical stoner/doom stuff without much trickery, I'd watch your local Craigslist for something OLD with BIG power capability & forget about what brands are hip for this kind of music. You don't need Sunn/Ampeg/Orange/Matamp, etc. Maybe an old Traynor (though you'd have to be careful which & probably would want to switch out speakers), an old Peavey, a Sovtek, a Musicman head. . .all kinds of stuff could work!

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i love JC 120 for one thing and one thing only, cleans sounds. i haven't found a dirt pedal yet that i like through it. it's just too bright of an amp for me to dig on any dirt boxes. that said i love the sound i get with humbuckers through it. if i can get acceptable clean from my AOR, then the roland will be going sooner as opposed to later.

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