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HE v3


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Ah man it's BYOooOTIFUL.


The new enclosure's the best incarnation so far! The bigger display will be handy on stage too. Man, it's great you've re-worked it rather than just rushing it out first off, needs a Logo somewhere :thu:

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Ah man it's BYOooOTIFUL.

The new enclosure's the best incarnation so far! The bigger display will be handy on stage too. Man, it's great you've re-worked it rather than just rushing it out first off, needs a Logo somewhere

the display isn't quite as bright as in the video, but it's still plenty bright. I'll stick a sonic crayon sticker underneith or on the side, or something. I dont like logos.

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Holy damn tape, that's beautiful. Is that a 1" hole for the display
That must be a monster bit. How do you get the segmented LED thing to stay in? Glue?

yep, 1" bit. unibit FTW

the pots and the display are on the same PCB, so screwing the pots into the box secures the display nicely!


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did i read looper?

any details?!?!?



um well I'm trying to get a lofi looper going (loop junky lofi) where I can adjust the playback start position and playback length on the fly, kind of liek how the timefactor can do it. maybe even get it to automate that stuff into a basic looping sequencer. if anyone has ever used glitchDS, they will know what I'm talking about.

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I was being facetious.

Looks really awesome. Are these going to be a get on a list type deal though?

thanks man

um at first I'll just make a handful each month for a few months, and it'll be first come first serve when they go on sale (date and time announced a week or two beforehand). then I figure as of late this year I'll do a list type of thing. yeah it'll take many many months before a lot of people get one, but I do this during my free time of which I would love to spend doing an equal amount of other stuff

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