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Keeler Shove...I think I want.


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I have the Push, Pull, Kick, and will be getting the shove pretty soon, not because I need it, but because of how great the other Keeler pedals I have gotten, and I could use another flavour of higher gained distortion, and because I am a dirt whore:lol:.


The only way I can put the Keeler stuff, is that it is original, built great, and sounds freaking amazing.


Keeler is to dirt, what Skreddy is to Muffs.

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I have the Pull and it's a great pedal. I haven't heard a low gain pedal like the pull. It just seams to fatten your tone without adding too much grit. It's great for leads and chord work alike. I don't have the Shove, but can say it's as nice as it's lower gain brother. I got the chance to try one that a friend had and it sounded pretty damn solid through my friends Tele/Mesa rig.

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I have the Push, Pull, Kick, and
will be getting the shove pretty soon
, not because I need it, but because of how great the other Keeler pedals I have gotten, and I could use another flavour of higher gained distortion, and because I am a dirt whore:lol:.

The only way I can put the Keeler stuff, is that it is original, built great, and sounds freaking amazing.

Keeler is to dirt, what Skreddy is to Muffs.



Man I haven't gas'd for a pedal in a long time. I really don't need one - my GT-500 covers my higher gain needs nicely - but the Shove sounds pretty sweet even in that Youtube clip.


Please check back in when you pick one up...I'd love to hear another clip.

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