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OT: which of the newest game consoles is the best?


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here is my experience if it helps:



I played lots of video games, but stopped when the SNES was established and pre-N64


Wii apeal is that I play games with people 95% of teh time now, and Nintendo franchise games are good for all ages and well done.


I don't care for 3D real shooting aliens/armymen/deer games


I like being able to download old NES games for $5 and play those on sick days



that being said, I like my DS lite even better... missed clients at work, pop in a game and relax.

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in general, this is pretty terrible advice... MS is blocking third party drives with firmware updates and have banned around 1,000,000 users from online play for having hacked 360s. as for pc, while a better controller experience for shooters, pc gaming is for chumps. there's no way you can buy a pc for the same price of a console ($299) and have it still be a viable gaming system able to play the latest games in the next six months. pc hardware you buy now will not last through the current gens lifespan, you'll be constantly updating hardware to play new releases (you may be able to play with a lot of the updated visualizations turned of and a little choppiness at best). pc gaming is more open to hacks (great if you're into that, not so great when you have to deal with cheaters), and quite often pc versions get delayed, if they get released at all.

leave pc gaming for wow nerds if you don't want to have to constantly spend money upgrading.



That's not entirely true. If you wan't to play the newest games on the absolutely highest graphic settings, then you'll have to upgrade twice a year. But I used my old system for six years and could still play new games, just not on the highest settings. Even If you don't upgrade often you could still play the new releases on fairly good settings, especially compared to consoles that doesn't change at all during their lifespan.

Other advantages PC gamers enjoy is more frequent patches and a greater modding community. But I do recognize that PC gaming still has a more geek label than console gaming, and it does indeed demand a bit more involvement (OTOH, that would probably resonate well with a lot of the gearheads around here). It kinda boils down to what types of games you play. I love strategy games, so I'm kinda stuck with my computer, I also prefer to play shooters with a mouse and keyboard. But for fighters, sport and adventure games the consoles have a definitive edge.


To answer the OP, I play PC and PS3, but i think a Wii would be more suited for young kids. OTOH, the other two consoles will probably have a longer lifespan, so it will keep them entertained even when they're older.

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in general, this is pretty terrible advice... MS is blocking third party drives with firmware updates and have banned around 1,000,000 users from online play for having hacked 360s. as for pc, while a better controller experience for shooters, pc gaming is for chumps. there's no way you can buy a pc for the same price of a console ($299) and have it still be a viable gaming system able to play the latest games in the next six months. pc hardware you buy now will not last through the current gens lifespan, you'll be constantly updating hardware to play new releases (you may be able to play with a lot of the updated visualizations turned of and a little choppiness at best). pc gaming is more open to hacks (great if you're into that, not so great when you have to deal with cheaters), and quite often pc versions get delayed, if they get released at all.

leave pc gaming for wow nerds if you don't want to have to constantly spend money upgrading.




Yes, (searches internet) with the new update that came out this week, they are now banning people for using third party hard drives. Sorry I missed that, I'm not up to the minute on 360 updates.


However, your assumption that PCs go out of date that quickly are completely false. I spent $600 building a PC from scratch two years ago, which wasn't top of the line then, and am going to be able to play all the new games coming out this winter and have more games than I'll ever be able to finish. If his computer is decent now, a $300, maybe $350 upgrade, should allow him to play anything he wants for a long time. Pack on top of this the ease of hacking games on the PC (and by that I mean playing them for free, not cheating), and the dual function of it already being a PC to begin with, and I think it's a pretty economic deal. You can use all that PC power for a home studio, film editing, whatever you want, and you won't be paying Microsoft every month for the privilege of playing with this 9 year old arguing with his mom over chocolate milk.




Also, PC gaming is a lot more diverse than WOW. I don't even touch that, but if I did, I wouldn't be spending money on upgrades for it since it's 5 years old.

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