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So, you've jailbroken your iPhone... what did you do next?


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I see a whole lot of iphones in a given day, some are stock, with no apps besides the ones that came on it and some are crazy as {censored}.


why would you jailbreak your iPhone? just to make it look cooler? or is there some thing that would be useful? (and i've read about "useful" stuff... like turning a camera into a video camera, fooling the phone into believing its in wifi so that you can download large files from the network)...


what else?

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OK. The iPhone was capable of doing all the {censored} the new one does originally. They held off on it so they could slowly release new models with small new features, so you'd have to buy the new one to get them. This is why I hate Apple... Capitalistic.



You know they've had 12 megapixel cameraphones over in the far East for about eight years now, yet no one seems to have a go at Panasonic and Sony for releasing VGA, .5, 1, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 12 MP phones years apart...

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You know they've had 12 megapixel cameraphones over in the far East for about eight years now, yet no one seems to have a go at Panasonic and Sony for releasing VGA, .5, 1, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 12 MP phones years apart...



I never said they aren't at fault either - this is why I hate capitalism. The consumer is just a means to an end. With the iPhone, it is firmware and features that could be enabled that they chose not too in addition to hardware.

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Is your avatar pro-vegetarianism or something?



Not at all.


I only eat rare meat.


It's just a creepy pic my wifey dl'd onto my desktop, so I used it.




She handed me a plate of nearly raw steak w/baked beans and some A1 right after I hit submit.


I love that woman.

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I never said they aren't at fault either - this is why I hate capitalism. The consumer is just a means to an end. With the iPhone, it is firmware and features that could be enabled that they chose not too in addition to hardware.

In all fairness.. With the iPhone 3gs, there were a lot of major upgrades to the hardware of the device. A lot of the {censored} in the phone that's hidden and you can't use, is due to AT&T as well. Tethering as a perfect example.

I fully admit to being an Apple fanboy though, and will continue to upgrade to the newest iPhones as they keep coming. :wave:

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