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JTM45 + What Effects??


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So here's the deal....


I'm in middle of a JTM45 clone build (except with EL34's) from Weber. 2x12 combo (Blue Dog and Silver Bell speakers). I want to know what pedals are recommended for a good driven blues sound. I have $250 or so to spend and want a good boost/od to get the amp pushed, a delay, and a reverb. Possibly a chorus or trem, but that is not absolute.


I have been playing for over 15 years, but I have never been a heavy effects guy. For the last few years I have been using a Boss Me-50 in the clean effects loop of a TSL100 (for delay and chorus only). I still have the 50, but had t sell off most of my gear this past year for financial reasons.


Thanks for your help -



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Crap....forgot to mention a few other things I already have....

A 13 year old Sansamp GT2
A pair of Crybaby orig whas
A pair of DS-1's
and an old Ps-2

I guess I might have answered my own question on a few things unless some other cool ideas come into play....

Thanks -


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