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June Machines: New gear thread


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this solves at least one item in the Keyboardwizard envy list:

- have a car (FIXED! though mine's no Jag...)



Well, as things go I no longer have the Jag. It had been in a bad accident and was in the shop for about two months. When the lease was up a couple of months ago I decided not to keep the car, it having been devalued so much because of the repair work. Also, with the soaring gas prices here in the US (yes, I know it is not as bad as Europe - yet), an 8-cylinder car that sucked premium fuel didn't seem to be the right choice for either my wallet or the environment.


Congrats on the new apartment - it looks to be really nice!

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So do you guys know where to pick up those square pegs?

It looks like this rack has metal pegs that fit into those square holes. I have a rack like this and have all the metal pegs breaking when I'm trying to move them around to other holes. To me, these are pain in the ass and I've stabbed my fingers a few times removing the pegs with a phillips screwdriver. Nevertheless, I need to buy more.



This is my first experience with square-punched rack rails, evidently they're fairly common now in the IT industry. The nuts that snap into these holes are called "cage nuts". Oddly enough, none of the music supply houses seem to carry them separately. Google "cage nut" and you'll find a wealth of suppliers, I'm going to try Rack Solutions myself.

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Guest Anonymous

I have one of these along with a SRV-330.


If Yamaha ships the damn Motif Rack XS in June my plan is to get one.


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Great, picture doesn't work. It's a Korg Poly-61 (no MIDI).




I'll need to fix this one up, though, since there's probably something wrong with the battery. It switches on but won't make any sound.


If that doesn't work, I'll try cramming my Solina in there :D.

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I've read and heard positive things about the SDX. I hope I can try one someday.



This is a little overwhelming for a chorus machine for me. But it works very well with sounds that are initially already warm. It preserves the space and room of the original sound very well.


I was eying the Boss CE-20 twin pedal for a while, but for the same money I got this used. The name "dimension expander" is a little confusing at first.


The older I get, the more I appreciate a good effect with my synths. In the past it was all about the raw sound, but a good chorus or reverb can add so much to a sound.

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I own a Dimension D, which I credit for my interest in subtle effects processing - making an instrument sound somehow more like itself, without ear fatiguing hype or alternation beyond recognition. Very few of my synths can stand without some form of external processing, but all of them benefit from it.

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Guest Anonymous
Sweet, Burster. So what about the GT made you decide that it was worth getting since you already have the original?

It has two brains and that damn vocal {censored} in it.


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@Acid Hazard:

Where in the world does one find an Odyssey for $25?


Cuz, I'm clearly looking in the wrong-ass places.

I got it off my local craigslist. And i guess there was another one for $75 that i didn't see. Someone else got that one. Some odd planetary alignment has to take place to find 2 ARPs for a total of $100.

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That's the one I want!! Not for my current project (I'm using the Zoom for that), but I definitely want one for whatever I'm doing next year!

Congrats Diametro!!

How much for the MS2K? If so many people seem to be recording with the MicroKorg, I'd be considering the real thing...

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