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Electro-Harmonix XO Microsynth Rocks My Socks!

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I am not a guitarist. I play experimental synthesizers, like my friend Kriista here.


I play the Sidrassi Organ, primarily.


Normally, my pedal chain goes like this: Sidrassi Organ > Ernie Ball Passive Volume Pedal > EH Deluxe Memory Man > EH Little Big Muff Pi > Digitech Digidelay > Output.


Recently, I have been preparing my rig for playing out again, as it's been a while.


So, for my birthday, I received a $200 American Express Gift Card. I promptly went to Best Buy to buy an iPod Touch. That didn't pan out, because I didn't want to pay out of pocket for taxes or apps. After a short debate with myself, I ended up at Guitar Center. I bought a used EH XO Microsynth.


After plugging it into my 9-Spot, I was dismayed to find out that it didn't work. I tried changing the preamp setting, etc. I figured out it would need it's own power supply. Fine.


I plugged it in, and finally got some sounds. It wasn't all I thought it was cracked up to be (so far). I wasn't feeling well, and went to bed. It did make a few cool sounds, but I wasn't sold yet.


Yesterday, I pulled apart my setup, and after experimenting, removed my Little Big Muff out of the chain, as well as excluding the Digidelay. Now my setup was small. Just a volume pedal to delay to Microsynth.


I found out that the way I was using the Muff, I was able to get the same tone from the Microsynth - a muffled, saturated tone. My heart started pounding, and I played around a little more. I found that the guitar slider basically acted as an overdrive - identical to the way I used the Muff. I could slide from clean to Muff! It eliminated my need for the extra pedal. Then I started fooling with the rest of the Microsynth.


I now have an octave down slider, and an octave up slider to add to my signal. I now have a resonant low-pass filter to affect my sound. My tonal variations just shot through the roof! I am able to make bleeps, bloops and zaps that are entirely different that what the Sidrassi Organ can make on it's own. This pedal is a lo-fi dream! It's noise gate, the one that I see people complain about so much, really makes the sound stand out. I feel like I have an instrument that Boards of Canada would play, even though it's not as easy to play melodically as a keyboard would be.


I've been pining for the Moog MF-101 Lowpass Filter, but now that I have this, it's on the backburner.


The Microsynth combined with the delay can easily make seasickness sounds, and as I had mentioned before, the noise gate which cuts off MASSIVE sustain, really alters the kinds of sounds I can make with my Sidrassi, in a very positive way. I feel like I am channeling the pioneers of electronic music into new areas.


Samples in about two weeks. I am leaving for a vacation in Canada tomorrow.

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Awesome. I've been gassing hard for one lately, even though I really have no idea what I'd use it for. I'll find a use.


me too

i really really really want to get one, but not sure how ill find a use but i will some way or or another

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