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Synclavier vs. Korg Wavestation


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OK, original poster, back with the results. The two machines are definitely different.


The Synclavier II's I picked up are the FM units with FM resynthesis (my main interest, available on fewer than 5% of all Synclaviers, mostly early 80s models.) The sonic results are markedly different than the WaveStation sonic palette. Now my Kyma Capybara does additive resynthesis with a whole lot more harmonics (even though the ones in the Synclavier are quite sufficient), the great overall result is, that so far, though I did create some resynthesis patches on both units, none sounded as awesome as some of the 12+ operator FM patches I created on Yamahas after 3+ years of experience.


So, all in all, it's not the unit as much as *your* abilities to get something out of it. I guess in due time, I'll get as great new sounds out of both (different) units as I do from my other gear.

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Great update. I would love to see videos.


I'm sorry if this is a really stupid question: are any of the components housed in the keyboard casing? Or is the keyboard strictly just a controller?


I would also love to hear some of the music you play with your FM resynthesized sounds. I hope its really really weird.

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I would also love to hear some of the music you play with your FM resynthesized sounds. I hope its really really weird.



I'm working on a very pleasant composition, actually. You probably won't be able to tell which part is the Synclavier/s. It's not written to be a Synclavier showcase, it's written with enjoyability as the main objective.

Conbrio, my main tool is Ableton Live, where all gear output, including the Synclaviers, meet. It has more onboard effects than I'll ever need. BTW, my units are maintained by the same John Hill whose photo you posted. He is a great guy.

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though I did create some resynthesis patches on both units, none sounded as awesome as some of the 12+ operator FM patches I created on Yamahas after 3+ years of experience.



I didn't know that Yamaha ever produced a 12+ operator FM synth...unless you mean layered patches of course...which a different thing!

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