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I need some help. I'm looking for a specific tone. I guess it's called modern high gain, but I don't really know what that sounds like. That's just what people have told me, but when I look at modern high gain, it's nothing like what I'm hearing. It's the distortion in Receiving End of Sirens' "Pale Blue Dot" at 2:45. My best way of explaining is the notes still have a lot of tone, but they're pumping a lot of air and the distortion isn't that block like Marshall plexi drive. It kind of reminds me of like bacon sizzling (haha I know that's a super lame simile). So I guess to sum it up: I'm looking for a distortion/overdrive with sizzling gain, a ton of air pushed, and a decent amount of tone retained.


PS. If I used a boost or a tube screamer would this add overtones? I don't want more gain, just more feed back and more uncontrollable overtones.

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What kind of amp and guitar are you using? All the elements work together to create the tone.


You might try the Dual Resistafier if you're not feeling the Marshall tone. As always, however, your best bet is just to try everything you can with your rig (or at least something similar).

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What kind of amp and guitar are you using? All the elements work together to create the tone.

You might try the Dual Resistafier if you're not feeling the Marshall tone. As always, however, your best bet is just to try everything you can with your rig (or at least something similar).




im using a really crappy fender solid state 200$ amp and jemini distortion. im trying to save for either a dual rec or a genz benz el diablo head and an avatar 2 12 modern cab with vintage 30s and closed back. ive heard a bogner ecstacy get this exact tone so i figure it might be possible. thanks for the input

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The maps forum is definitely more brootal than HCFX, so you may want to post over there.


But, I would suggest saving your money for a nice high-gain head. Also, a 4x12 will naturally push more air, and have more of the impact I think you're looking for.

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im using a really crappy fender solid state 200$ amp and jemini distortion. im trying to save for either a dual rec or a genz benz el diablo head and an avatar 2 12 modern cab with vintage 30s and closed back. ive heard a bogner ecstacy get this exact tone so i figure it might be possible. thanks for the input



I agree with this plan. However, since you'll obviously want to get a halfway decent tone until then, try getting a Danelectro Cool Cat Drive and a decent compressor. That way you can still use those with whatever amp you end up buying.


Now that I think about it, you might try the compressor with your Jemini. It can give it a smoother, tube-like quality.

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I love that song.


To be completely honest, I have no idea what TREOS did to get that exact tone, but I know that I could nail that tone with my Blackout Effectors Musket.


That's not "modern high gain" it's just a good amount of gain.


The lead part sounds a lot more compressed than the chords, but it could have been done with the same setup.

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