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Orange Thunder 30


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I realize these aren't out yet so this will all be speculation, but what do you guys think of this?


4 el84s with 30, 15, and 7 watt modes. Seems like it could be used for a number of different things from home use to gigs and recording. I've been wanting something with that badass Orange tone for awhile, and this looks like it should be a good option.


I've never played anything with el84s with alot of gain though - played some vox stuff clean. Is there anything characteristic of el84s when they are pushed? I suppose the Tiny/Dual Terrors have some of that Orange grind, so the type of tube isn't that much of an issue...right?


Mostly I'm just bored and wanted share my gas with youze guys.

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It is supposedly different - a combination of the rocker and thunderverb series (dont know which channel is supposed to represent which). I have my doubts about this with all of the similarities to the Dual Terror.

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My Peavey Classic 50 has EL84's but it's insanely hard to push the tubes into overdrive (at least on the clean channel) so if this new fangled Thunder 30 has any of the same characteristics, it'll have a ton of clean headroom.

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My Peavey Classic 50 has EL84's but it's insanely hard to push the tubes into overdrive (at least on the clean channel) so if this new fangled Thunder 30 has any of the same characteristics, it'll have a ton of clean headroom.

Just FYI, but just because an amp has EL84's doesn't mean it has much clean headroom.

I owned a Classic 50 for years, and yes, it had a LOT of clean headroom...

But IMO, the majority of EL84-based amps I've played (Marshalls, Gabriel, 65 AMPs London, etc) break up pretty early on. In other words, there are a LOT more factors that determine how early an amp breaks up besides the tubes.

If the Thunder 30 is ANYTHING like the Tiny or Dual Terror, you won't get much clean headroom at all... not a bad thing for ME, but may be for you. :idk:... I'd love to hear a demo though...

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no mids control? {censored}.



on an amp like this, your bass and treble knobs ARE your mids controls. pull the treble and bass back proportionately to make the mids come out more, boost the treble and bass to get the scooped sound. my amp only has a bass and treble control and i can get a huge variety of tones just by getting creative with those two knobs

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Just found this demo of the Thunder 30... not sure if you've seen it, OP:


EDIT:... good freaking grief.. you think after 2 years of hanging out on this forum, that I'd learn how to post a YouTube vid.... :facepalm:... can someone please post that link ^ in video form??? Geez-freaking-a...:facepalm:

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Thank you. :thu:


And here's the dirty channel demo:


YES! I actually figured it out!! :thu:


I actually really like the balls and grit coming out of the dirty channel... not so sure about the clean channel though; not quite as FAT as I would have expected.

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Just FYI, but just because an amp has EL84's doesn't mean it has much clean headroom.

I owned a Classic 50 for years, and yes, it had a LOT of clean headroom...

But IMO, the majority of EL84-based amps I've played (Marshalls, Gabriel, 65 AMPs London, etc) break up pretty early on. In other words, there are a LOT more factors that determine how early an amp breaks up besides the tubes.

If the Thunder 30 is ANYTHING like the Tiny or Dual Terror, you won't get much clean headroom at all... not a bad thing for ME, but may be for you.
... I'd love to hear a demo though...

Gotcha. I figured that there were more characteristics, I was just going on what I knew was similar between the two amps.

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My Galaxie only has Treble and Bass, but that's more than enough for me... they're soooo tweakable and interact in the BEST way w/ the amp's dirty and clean channels... you just have to blend 'em both to get the perfect amount of midz...

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