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Is there a reason why a pedal would still pass its effected signal in bypass?


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My Spring King has started putting some reverb into the signal even when it's bypassed, especially at very wet settings (which is what I use it for). It didn't used to do this, and I've never heard of this happening before. Is it fixable at all? :idk:

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Could be its not true bypass or if it is the switch has developed capacitance. With a buffered bypass, a signal can bleed over the path through EMF Humidity, solder resin, dirt. A good cleanup of the board and switch contacts can do wonders. problem is may buffered switches are PC mounted and so small the effect input to the switch can generate EMF of the signal. With larger Stomp switches, this is less likely to occur because theres enough space between the contacts that even a signal with super high gain is less likely to bleed over.

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