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Craigslist pedal mishap.. Pretty ticked


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So I went to the casino last night, and no surprise, I lost about 40. I don't go often so losing anything gets to me.


When I got home, I checked craigslist and saw a boss rv-2 mij for 50. I was happy to see this knowing I could keep or sell another pedal and make up for the little loss. He calls me at 9 and says I can check it out from 1-3. Gave me address and home phone says to call when I'm on my way.


So I start out about ten to one, and it's a half hour drive. When I'm about 5 minutes away I call to let him know I'll be there soon. Then he tells me I should of told him when I was starting out cause another guy closer called and said he wanted it, and said he was officially starting out. As I drive by his house I see a lot of cars there, assuming the other guys there. So I didn't stop. I called and he said he sold it to him.


I felt I got rolled. I all but said I was gonna buy for certain, and I contacted him first. I've had a mini run of crap and this makes me feel like I lost 30 more and wasted gas. Am I in the wrong for not calling earlier?

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expect flakiness and disappointment. i always call and double check with someone before i start driving to their house. i check in every step of the way. i've saved myself a lot of headaches that way.



This. I never set out to go pick something up without making sure that I'm not about to waste time and gasoline. I've had to wait a little longer than I wanted a time or two, or found out that it was already sold, but I've avoided a disaster like yours.


I've had people tell me it's first-come, first-served no matter what, and usually decide to pass.

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I've had something similar to that happen to me, rang the guy said I wanted the pedals and I was on my way over (20 min drive) got there and there were 3 other people with their hands on my goods and walking out the door ... an original rat, an TS and a RI Tone Bender, I was really {censored}ed off.

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Call when you leave is SOP for me. On the flip side, I won't even give my address to someone coming over until they are leaving to drive over and buy from me. If they insist on it earlier I give the address of a nearby business. If I'm buying I even tell them that I don't want to drive over if they will show it to someone else before I get a chance to buy. Although I don't aways bother to say that unless it's a long drive, then I make a big point of it.

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I can't tell you how many times I've sat at home, waiting for people to come and buy the stuff they called and asked about... who never show up. My general rule is this: once somebody is on their way, it's theirs. Until then it's fair game.


A couple years ago I bought an Ibanez hollowbody and decided to get rid of my old Hondo II semi-hollow. It was it pretty nasty shape anyway- binding falling off, unreliable electronics, dead frets, cruddy tuners... So I posted it on CL for $150. Put it up in the major metro two hours away, too, just to maximize the exposure. Within 30 minutes I had almost a dozen calls and emails. Shoulda asked more, huh? Anyway, a guy from 2.5 hours away says he's coming right now to buy it. I gave him directions to my church (I don't like people coming to my house and seeing how much gear I have there), and waited to see. Meanwhile, I'm racking up a waiting list of guys who are interested.


Short story long, the guy actually showed up on time, played the axe through his handwired boutique tube amp for about 15 minutes, and shelled out $150. No haggle, no nothin'. Totally shoulda asked more. Oh well.


I once drove two states away for a killer Craigslist score. You can bet that I was in contact with that guy for days before that, and several times the day of (including right when I left). Everything's up in the air until the cash is in hand.

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