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are there any iphone multitrack recorder apps that allow usb transfer to garageband?


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I use gigbaby, but the file transfer to the computer is this weird wifi webaddress download that is wonky and not always working, and the connected via usb also is not very easy.



are there any apps that just have a simple file transfer that can be then dumped into garagband that people have used and liked?

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yeah... I was thinking of getting one of these used tascam things off craigslist to serve this function, but the quality of the gigbaby and iphone mic was decent enough ... so just getting the files off and into garageband seems like the only thing lacking

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I just use the Voice Memos app that comes preinstalled on the iPhone. Everything is automatically copied to an iTunes playlist when you sync your phone. Works great for me.



That's what I do to get quick ideas recorded that may be lost otherwise. It's not the best sounding, but is a lot easier than just about anything else.

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