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Help with first pedalboard

nick f

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So now that I got a new amp (blackstar HT5) and have been jamming with some friends once/twice a month at a rehearsal studio, using Mesa Dual Rec, Marshal JCM 800 and Marshall DSL 100. I'm looking to start my first pedal board.


I'm thinking that all I need right now is








I have the EQ and the wah already. I will be using the amps crunch and lead channels, so no need for and overdrive or distortion pedal yet


So should I just go and get three new pedals (verb, chorus and delay) or should I go get a multi effects pedal. I would really like the ability to say have chorus and reverb on a clean channel and with one (maybe two) clicks switch to my dirty channel on the amp and go turn off all effects straight into bypass instead of clicking my reverb off, my chorus off then click the channel button on the amp. the ideal situation would be to preset buttons so say button #1 reverb, button #2 reverb and delay and button #3 chorus and button #4 reverb and chorus etc.........


Now I looked at all the Boss multi pedals, Line 6, Vox, Zoom etc and they all come with amp sims and cabinet sims, i don't want all that I just wasn

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The Line 6 M series (M9, M13) has that sort of thing...you can set it up in Latch mode and make "scenes" that would correspond to what you described....but can also do much much much more.


You can also look at the TC electronics Nova System.


They won't switch your amp channel for you though (not sure if that's something you're looking for).

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You are at a point at which you could go either way, I'd say. If you watch eBay and spam threads, you can get some excellent deals on pedals, but to have all of those will still cost you. Particularly once you factor in cabling and PSU.


The real question then I would think is whether or not you have specific sounds in mind. If you hear 'reverb, chorus and delay', not 'RV-5, Small Clone and Deluxe Memory Man', then I would strongly advise you to buy a multi-fx. The fact that you've stipulated presets reinforces this.


And it's not like multi-fx units are the major compromise they used to be. The Line6 M series units hold up with standalone pedals very respectably indeed. (Though I don't think they have preset functionality)


I therefore would suggest you buy an M9. Later on if you decide that you have more particular sounds in mind, you can reconsider. But I wish that the M9 could have been my first pedal, and not the Zoom 505II. :lol:

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DL4 for delay
MXR 6 band EQ
Boss CE-2 or Anolog man chorus. - if you go EHX get the neo clone for space!
Reverb - depends on what kind of reverb you are looking for. either Nano Holy grail or Cathedral if you are going EHX. But the other suggestions here are just as good.
Wah.. well depends on the sound really. I'd recommend either an Ibanez WH10V2 for nice and subtle or if you are tight for cash pick up a second hand crybaby to start you off.

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