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M9 U.S. powersupply, what specs?


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I wanna know if the American wallwart that ships with the M9 would work in Japan.


How many prongs does it have? 2 or 3?


What are the specs, voltage and frequency?



The power supply in this part of the country is 100V at 60Hz with most outlets ungrounded 2-prong.

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It's a very typical American designed power supply. You'd want the same converter you'd need if you brought a laptop from the US over there.



I've never had anything from the US before.


Though I believe most laptop power supplies are designed for 100-240V and 50-60Hz so they work anywhere with the right plug adaptor.

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With an AC power supply that one would expect to feature no regulation, chances are leaving it 15% short of input voltage would leave you 15% short on output voltage, sorry.



Fair point, I wonder how difficult it would be to get hold of a power supply that would work.


What does it put out, 9VAC?

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