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I really like this early recording my band (lo-fi, shoegaze, post rawk)


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Edit: "early recording my band did" would probably be better


Our process of writing songs essentially comes down to one of us thinking of a sort of basic idea for something that might be cool and just sort of winging it while recording it so we can go back and see what we liked, didn't, etc. This particular time, the bassist thought it would be cool if I tried out his looper, so I set up something kinda strange (HM-2 -> Holy Grail -> DD-6 -> Jamman Stereo -> Mind Bender -> Nova Repeater IIRC) and this was the result. The song has become one of our favorites, and I think this recording wound up being pretty good for my first time using a looper and essentially just improving the entire thing. Anyway, I've never posted any of my stuff on here before, so I figured it would be cool to.


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reminds me of a story i once heard about steven segal. he said, "i just read the best screen play ever!"... "who wrote it?"... "i did".


:lol: If my song is the best anything, musicians the world round should be ashamed of themselves

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