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Anyone else have trouble with the Way Huge Fat Sandwich?

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I like this pedal, but it seems almost impossible to deal with the feedback at loud volumes. Not a problem if I'm using it for doomy stuff--which I think it does well--but for more rock stuff the feedback is unbearable. If I set my noisegate too tightly to curb the feedback, there's barely any sound during palm mutes and the held chords don't really ring out as long as they should.


Anyone else have this problem? If the volume knob goes up past 10:00, it's just a {censored}ing mess.

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are your pickups microphonic? Use less gain? Is your volume knob broken on your guitar?



Pickups are fine. Tried it with two different guitars, tone knob rolled back a couple notches. Amps totally clean Fender Hotrod DeVille 2x12. The gain knob on the Fat Sandwich is all the way down, as is the internal gain knob.

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Maybe I should stay out though, I never get feedback when I actually want it.



It might be that I'm just not used to this much gain. I can work my way around fuzz pretty well, especially in getting the kind of feedback I want, but this is brutal. I think I'm trying to make a distortion monster do the work of a beefy overdrive, but I'll keep twiddling and see what happens.

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I have one that I've been using a lot lately. I use mine with a Tele and a Deluxe Reverb on about 4 for outside gigs. The Feedback thing is definitely there, but I use it to my advantage a lot of of times, just working it with the volume knob. But I think you can also turn down the gain a little and not have as much feedback. I play clean mostly and use it for a full distortion lead sound.


Should of said Blues Deluxe. DOH! Also use it with a Silverface Deluxe reverb though

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