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spam: fs jomox 888/theme - I hate drum machines


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Only one I ever liked was the Vermona mk3, and I hated that too. I don't know why I buy them.


Now that I've gotten that out of the way, $1250 + shipping. That just sounds so much better than $1300 shipped. This is only a little over a month old.


Yes - it's probably true - if you wait long enough, I'll probably drop the price a little. But then you might lose the deal. And since it's so close to new, I'm not much into haggling now.


What's the secret motive behind this sale? Surely you can't take me at face value. Well, I just traded for an xpander, and I want to put it where I have the 888, so I can use my analog sequencers with it.

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...anything in particular you hate about the 888, drool, or just that it belongs to the genre?


I had the original Machinedrum, sold it. Now I want it again. (this time I want the UW version). Also had the MAM ADX-1, Quasimidi 309, Yamaha RS7K. Don't want them again.


Currently want a Machinedrum, Jomox (999, 888,airbase), and maybe an ER-1 and or MFB-503.


Don't need any of them, nor can I afford them.



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in particular
you hate about the 888, drool, or just that it belongs to the genre?



Nah. they all suck.



I had the original Machinedrum, sold it. Now I want it again. (this time I want the UW version). Also had the MAM ADX-1, Quasimidi 309, Yamaha RS7K. Don't want them again.



Every couple of years I buy one because I feel I should have one, and then I eventually pretty much start neglecting my personal hygiene because I hate it so much.



Currently want a Machinedrum, Jomox (999, 888,airbase), and maybe an ER-1 and or MFB-503.

Don't need any of them, nor can I afford them.



Right now I'm fueled also by modular lust, so I won't get into my 'if I wanted to be popular, I should get myself a drum machine' mode for awhile.

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See, the thing about drum machines is... Well, you know when you have some unpleasant job that needs to be done, like going in to some crawl space to fix some wiring or plumbing or something? You call a guy and pay them $50 and they go in and get all cobwebby and grungy and fix it. You thank them and they go away.


Same with drum machines. Isn't that what drummers are for?


Gosh. I think I just sounded snobby.

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Once you deal with drummers for a few years, and the fact that 98% of them can't keep a solid beat that doesn't need to be quantized, you'll be extremely glad there are drum machines around.

My bass player says, "there's a reason why there are so many drum machines". I never remind him that most drum machines now have bass, also :D


I guess it comes down to what kind of music you play (or what kind of plink plink noice you make). To me, drum samples are not an option, I have to have them.


Sorry I'm writing here if I'm not interested in the 888, but I figured the bump won't hurt :)

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I've experienced the "lame drummer".


But, I've also experienced the "excellent and inspired drummer". I felt like MY playing actually improved when I played with him, he was that good. So, while drum machines have their place, I'll never believe they can ALWAYS replace a drummer.


Also: Serious Electric Puppy provides serious answers. Sometimes.




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