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I traded my Organizer for a Micropog and it came int his morning. When i hooked it up I noticed that the led was blinking here and there. When i turned my guitar's volume knob up the signal was popping and glitching all crazy. It bypasses the signal just fine. Anyone else have problems with them?


Here's a video:




WTF? I can't get jiggy with this {censored}!

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God damn those mA!


Had the same trouble with my SMMH when I first got it. I mean, no pedal should ever need more than 100mA. It's just gluttonous.


Start belittling it when you use it. "Gee, that sounded lame you little {censored}er." "Oh, nice tracking. I bet you could track faster if you weren't such a fat piece of {censored}" You know, and maybe it will develop a complex and quit consuming so much power.

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