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iPB-10 Thoughts For DigiTech...


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Well an amp does last you 20 years and longer... I see plenty of JCM800 from the 80s still running strong and plenty of Fender silverface amps from the 70s. I still have my TS9 that I bought back in 1998. Technology on the other hand goes through such extreme transformations that it can be difficult to create products with long-term compatibility. Apple no longer provides support or new compatible software for the Tiger OS from 2005 and Google in abandoning their support for the OS as well. That's only seven years ago. It's the same thing with iPhones and the iPad is not immune to that as well.

To DigiTech reps points about the target audience, I'm not going to disagree they created a niche product for a niche demographic. I'm not going to go out and buy an iPad, but like he said, the iPB was not targeted at me.

Also, Line 6 provides some of the best (if not the best) amp and effects modeling out right now. Granted they don't have the iPad interface, but their gear is not difficult to use and it's HALF the amount. Plus I don't have to worry about my iPad being obsolete in 4-5 years.

Don't get me wrong, I love DigiTech and I love their stomp boxes. I'm all for pushing technology with music gear, but at $400 for essentially a docking station with a few bottons completely dependent on the technology from a company that tries to abandon older technology as soon as possible... That's what I question.



I guess only time will tell Manny...lol. We'll see what happens... Take care Brother... Rico

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I guess only time will tell Manny...lol. We'll see what happens... Take care Brother... Rico



For the record, I'm not against the iPB, I just think the price needs to come down significantly is all. I think who ever came up with the idea was smart as {censored}, but the guy with the sales strategy not so much lol.


But yes, time will tell.

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im with "Rico", this product is one of the countless products try to cash in on apples' zombie customers spending 1000s trying to immitate what they see people using on the gilmour girls and that jennifer aniston movie where she falls in love with a guy that she was just friends with before but after a bad breakup she realized what she was looking for was there the whole time, right in front of her and they come in cute colors.



Thanks Doc...

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