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NPD, won't work with 1Spot & no battery. I am confusion.

Ed Zachary

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I just bought a Chicken Salad Vibrato pedal today. It was great until I removed the battery, since I never use batteries in my pedals, and hooked it up to my 1 Spot adaptor. It does not work. The LED turns on and that's it, it won't even pass a signal. I tried it by itself with a different adaptor and had the same reults. Both adaptors measured 9.6 VDC. Does this pedal not work without a battery in it, even if an adaptor is being used? If so, that's really stupid.

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Something has probably come undone inside. I can't a imagine a design that requires you to have a battery in, even if the pedal's running on wall power. I'd suggest opening it up and making sure that none of the solder points around the jack have broken. If you've got an iron, I'd probably go ahead and touch them up regardless.

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Something has probably come undone inside. I can't a imagine a design that requires you to have a battery in, even if the pedal's running on wall power. I'd suggest opening it up and making sure that none of the solder points around the jack have broken. If you've got an iron, I'd probably go ahead and touch them up regardless.



I can't recommend this highly enough, go ahead and open her up and touch everything.

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d4rk0's second post has the correct answer. The cable from my pedals to the DAW was intermittant. BUT, I didn't suspect that because everything was working before I took the battery out. I must have had the cable turned just right so it worked originally.


I found this out when I took the bottom board out of the Chicken Salad, plugged the adaptor in, then plugged the cable in and heard noise, which hadn't been happening. I jiggled the end and the signal came and went. Looks like I have some soldering to do.


I appreciate all the quick replies and I deserve any e-flogging I may get, but mainly I'm glad the pedal is OK.



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