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Why am I so bad at intonating guitars?!

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At present, I have the saddle of the G string all the way away from the neck, as far as it will go, and I'm still getting the G just a hair sharp at the 12 fret. It's not such a big deal because it's a tiny amount, but the exact same thing just happened with my B string. Why do I always end up having them pushed all the way to the end of their groove?

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I'm not sure either, but doesn't neck relief also affect the intonation to some degree? 

Anyway, unless your guitar is some sort of partscaster with a funky scale lenght, and there's nothing wrong with the action...I'm out of ideas:s

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restring / breakem' in, don't over strech / inntonate again, and get back to us, also has the instrument intonated properly in the past ie; w/ out the anomally your currently experiencing, and as stated earlier all there of do factor in, most natably after the fact, ie; changing string hieght, adjusting the truss rod, and yes adjusting the pickups too, all the best...

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