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How do you organize your rehearsals?


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so how do YOU do it? are you simply playing everything through once? with a metronome for the drummer? are you recording your rehearsals? are you working on certain parts of songs, playing them over and over? do you practice at home and make practice at home and expect your bandmembers to already know the songs?


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If a song doesn't go over well, we will play it until it's right or at least until everyone is completely sick of it. I play with a drummer, I record some practices, usually if we come up with something on the spot, we will record it, or if we want to hear our set to see how tight we are. Will work on certain parts of songs if those parts need work, personally I always play at home, I can't say that's always the case with everyone I play with, some songs we will get the idea for or at least study at home, but usually it's all learned at the practice.


I think the most important thing is practicing consistantly. If you can have set dates for practices, try to bring something new to the table every time you meet up. It all usually comes together in it's own way if you're meeting consistantly. Sometimes too much organization can be a bad thing, I try not to dictate exactly what's going to happen at a practice. Sometimes those random spur of the moment things turn out to be great. 

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Shine-ei wrote: I try not to dictate exactly what's going to happen at a practice. Sometimes those random spur of the moment things turn out to be great. 



haha, in the past i did dictate EVERYTHING! i always was the one writing the songs so i recorded demos with everything on it, bass, drums, all worked out. so basically everyone just had to learn to play the demos. i hate it when someone comes up with a part during rehearsal on the spot and ruins my song! hahaha. so i wrote it all.

in the past we simply run through the songs as long as it needed to get to the end without mistakes. once learned the song we just rushed through the setlist once.

now with a new band i'd like to record the rehearsals and to listen to it right after so i can point out what i like and what i don't. the band as well can hear if we are tight or not.


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I play in church. We use Planning Center Online to advertise the songs and dates the band is playing. The website has the MP3 music and sheets for us to practice at home. We then have two nights of rehersal to play together and to get it tight. We also work on transitions. This is where we make adjustments to make the program flow better. For me, it is a great time for being with friends in a fun environment and to learn more about playing. It is also a good time to figure our what effects and amp I am going to use. What sounded good at home sometimes sound like crap at the rehersal room.

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