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Phil Do You Use The...


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Player99 wrote:

Sonic Maximizer? I see it being offered by stores all the time. Rack, pedal, balanced xlr box...

Am I missing something?



Funny you should ask... :) In this week's HC Newsletter (which gets emailed out on Friday morning - you can subscribe here if you want, and no, we won't spam you), we're going to have a BBE MaxCom review from Craig Vecchione, the Live Sound forum moderator. The BBE MaxCom is a two-channel rack compressor with the Sonic Maximizer processor also on each channel. 

I've also just written a BBE SM500 review - that's a single-channel version of the 882i Sonic Maximizer in 500-series module form... but since we normally don't like to run two reviews of stuff from the same company in the same Newsletter issue, that review won't publish until a week from this Friday.

Do I use it? I have occasionally in the past, but I don't own one. I used to own an Aphex exciter, but the two devices have different operating principles - the BBE is more about phase alignment, while the Aphex adds distortion and harmonics to the source signal.

IMO, they're like spices for a chef - they're useful when used in moderation and appropriately, but people sometimes have a tendency to over-do it with them. When used with taste and some restraint, they can be a useful tool.


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