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I, for one, am PRO gay marriage...


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Originally posted by shredhead666

Hot Lesbian chicks RULE!!!!!

Come on Scott, how can THIS be so wrong???


HA HA! Hey, I am arguing from a Christian perspective. From a male perspetive, that's hot.;)

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Originally posted by telephant

I had a discussion with my Parents the other day, about whether we thought children brought up in a house with gay parents was more likely to be gay...

My Dad thought they were more likely to become gay. My Mom said, "you're an idiot."

Her reasoning was you are born gay. And then of course she followed it up with, "and where do you think all these gay people come from? Thats right, heterosexual couples..."

For the record my Parents have gay friends who have recently adopted a kid. Of course they're the guys that own a upscale clothing shop that my Mom frequents...

that one just kills me. How irrational is that? I mean, kids mimic what they see, right? Would anyone argue they don't? Hell, we've all heard the hysteria over the images kids see on TV and the fear that they will act out what they see. Remember all the "Jackasses" that came out of the woodwork after that show came on air? Of course children will mimic what they see, what fool thinks they don't? So would they mimic their parents if they are gay? Of course. Does that mean ALL of them will? No, but cetainly many will. In fact, there was a European study conducted over 10+ years quoted by Diane Sawyer during the Rosie O'Donnell "coming out" episode that showed that children of gay couples are 5 times more likely to have sex at an earlier age than those raised in a "traditional" family, and 6 times more likely to have sex with a person of the same gender. And here's the big surprise: More than twice as many of the children of the gay couples grew to adulthood and CHOSE homosexuality. ALL of them tried both as if they were trying on shoes and CHOSE to be gay, just like their parents. There's a surprise. Anyone who questions the study can download the text of the interview and read it for yourself. Last time I saw it it was archived on Drudge.

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Originally posted by begin_etienne

Homosexuality is a sin, but God is infinitely merciful, so gays have their place in heaven.



I think this very well may be the best post in this thread. I don't know necessarily that it is a sin, but something tells me that it 1) is not a mortal sin and 2) people are inherently sinners and I'm sure many of them still go to heaven.

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Originally posted by Joe Bones

The whole discussion is ridiculous and absurd.

Two people of the same sex can no more be married than pigs can fly.



In the light of the pigs comparision, I'd say they can't have kids no matter how hard they try, but they surely can marry, no law of nature prevents them from doing so.

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Originally posted by Joe Bones

The whole discussion is ridiculous and absurd.

Two people of the same sex can no more be married than pigs can fly.



Watch out for the low-flying pigs.

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Originally posted by MCon

I think this very well may be the best post in this thread. I don't know necessarily that it is a sin, but something tells me that it 1) is not a mortal sin and 2) people are inherently sinners and I'm sure many of them still go to heaven.



I would like to add that Divorce is a sin too, more or less to the level of Homosexuality.

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Originally posted by begin_etienne

I would like to add that Divorce is a sin too, more or less to the level of Homosexuality.



I agree with this post.


The problem with calling homosexuality a "lifestyle" is that it makes those that engage in the sinful act of homosexual sex, (which is on the same level in God's sight as any other sexual sin, pre-marital sex, adultery etc.) feel that what God has called sin is not a sin, and therfore it prevents him or her from seeking forgiveness and repentence, the two prerequisites for eternal life.


We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. The purpose of the law is to bring us to our knees and to humble us enough to ask God for his mercy. Mercy and forgiveness is available to all, the homosexual included. All we have to do is agree with God against ourselves and ask His forgiveness in Christ's name. That's it, that is the gospel, the good news. We do not have to stop sinning, in fact we cannot do this, we cannot even be a better person apart from a work of grace. We must however, repent. We must admit our sin, and learn to hate it as God does. God does hate sin, He loves the sinner but He cannot be in the presence of sin.


This is what the secular world just cannot seem to grasp, they ask "How can a christian be so self rightious when we know he is a sinner too?" or they say "So and so calls himself a christian and I heard him cussing the other day". Christians are sinners, they sin every day...we sin in thought word and deed, and we cannot stop or even improve without devine help. We will continue to sin until we die. In fact in my church we ask for forgiveness for all the known and UNKNOWN sins that we have committed. Agreeing with God about His law and His purpose readies us for His grace, when we try to re-write His laws to suit our own fallen natures or to accomodate our lusts we remove ourselves from the awareness of our need for grace and that is the path to eternal separation from God. This is what the bible talks about when mentioning the unforgiveable sin, to be unrepentent in our sin unto death is not forgiveable, why? because we have not asked for forgiveness, because we feel we have done no wrong.


Teaching others that it is OK to sin, to make them feel less bad about themselves is not love, it is actually hateful. It creates more distance from a God that longs to restore us and to forgive.


For Draelyc, all of this is my opinion....it is also the opinion of most of mainline christianity (which is again my opinion, haha)

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Originally posted by SkidMarx

that one just kills me. How irrational is that? I mean, kids mimic what they see, right? Would anyone argue they don't? Hell, we've all heard the hysteria over the images kids see on TV and the fear that they will act out what they see. Remember all the "Jackasses" that came out of the woodwork after that show came on air? Of course children will mimic what they see, what fool thinks they don't? So would they mimic their parents if they are gay? Of course. Does that mean ALL of them will? No, but cetainly many will. In fact, there was a European study conducted over 10+ years quoted by Diane Sawyer during the Rosie O'Donnell "coming out" episode that showed that children of gay couples are 5 times more likely to have sex at an earlier age than those raised in a "traditional" family, and 6 times more likely to have sex with a person of the same gender. And here's the big surprise: More than twice as many of the children of the gay couples grew to adulthood and CHOSE homosexuality. ALL of them tried both as if they were trying on shoes and CHOSE to be gay, just like their parents. There's a surprise. Anyone who questions the study can download the text of the interview and read it for yourself. Last time I saw it it was archived on Drudge.

These stats are not only hotly contested, but there are just as many statistics that "prove" otherwise, for the record. Do some searching . . . I have a new pedal to go home & try out! :D

P.S. Did you see the last post I put up in response to yours -- before the lesbians, I mean? So, uh, my last post to you B.L.? Just curious... Okay, I'm out. C-ya tomorrow!

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Originally posted by Joe Bones

The whole discussion is ridiculous and absurd.

Two people of the same sex can no more be married than pigs can fly.



Careful -- your house of cards fell down quite some time ago...

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Originally posted by draelyc

These stats are not only hotly contested, but there are just as many statistics that "prove" otherwise, for the record. Do some searching . . . I have a new pedal to go home & try out!

P.S. Did you see the last post I put up in response to yours -- before the lesbians, I mean? So, uh, my last post to you B.L.? Just curious... Okay, I'm out. C-ya tomorrow!

There is FAR more evidence to support the theory that it is learned than that it is genetic, my friend. Of course the main stream media is only going to tell you all about the research to "prove" people are born that way, they are on board with the agenda. It's funny, they warn you that you "shouldn't smoke around your kids. Sets a bad example and they might mimic your behavior". Likewise foul language. "They'll copy you if you talk dirty, so don't so that!" Alcohol. "Don't drink around your kids, you'll teach them to drink!" "Make sure you eat right, because your kids are going to copy your eating habits", "if you do drugs your kids will do drugs", and the list goes on and on. So how come kids will copy all of that stuff but they won't copy their two parents who like to sleep with people of the same gender? They either copy or they don't. You can't have it both ways. It's common sense. Yeah, I know, liberals have no common sense, even when you are hitting them over the head with a sledgehammer of common sense, such as in this situation. The TRUTH is they absolutely DO copy, and you know they do.

As for the other post, I actually did type this real long anal reply but when I went to send it my mail server crashed and it was lost. Didn't have the energy to do it again. We've covered all those bases before, anyways, no need to continue this. We are just going to have to move on, we'll never agree. Even though what I just said makes far more sense than anything you have said. At least to people with common sense. ;):p

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You *TRY* to start a hot lesbian thread, and all you {censored}ers come in and start talking about Jesus and butt-{censored}ing.

I thought we all were *GUITARISTS* here???? You know, guitarists? Rock bands? Hot lesbians?

It's all good!!!! :D

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Originally posted by SkidMarx

There is FAR more evidence to support the theory that it is learned than that it is genetic, my friend. Of course the main stream media is only going to tell you all about the research to "prove" people are born that way, they are on board with the agenda. It's funny, they warn you that you "shouldn't smoke around your kids. Sets a bad example and they might mimic your behavior". Likewise foul language. "They'll copy you if you talk dirty, so don't so that!" Alcohol. "Don't drink around your kids, you'll teach them to drink!" "Make sure you eat right, because your kids are going to copy your eating habits", "if you do drugs your kids will do drugs", and the list goes on and on. So how come kids will copy all of that stuff but they won't copy their two parents who like to sleep with people of the same gender? They either copy or they don't. You can't have it both ways. It's common sense. Yeah, I know, liberals have no common sense, even when you are hitting them over the head with a sledgehammer of common sense, such as in this situation. The TRUTH is they absolutely DO copy, and you know they do.

As for the other post, I actually did type this real long anal reply but when I went to send it my mail server crashed and it was lost. Didn't have the energy to do it again. We've covered all those bases before, anyways, no need to continue this. We are just going to have to move on, we'll never agree. Even though what I just said makes far more sense than anything you have said. At least to people with common sense.

Come on, Scott -- that's got to be the King of the False Analogies. Smoking? Does that mean I shouldn't dye my hair red around my kids -- CUZ THEY MIGHT TURN INTO REDHEADS?!?

And just because peer pressure lures *some* people into becoming alcoholics, that certainly doesn't magically destroy the copious evidence that there are some folks who are GENETICALLY PREDISPOSED to become alcoholics, does it?

See, once again, the problem is you're seeing everything in black&white, absolute terms. Of course, environment & experience affect an individual's sexuality -- but you tell me, honestly: is there anything you, yourself, could've experienced in your life that would have left you with swollen wood at the sight of a naked man?

If you say "no," then you're argument goes bye-bye.

Now, quit whining and retype your reply to my other post -- I really want to see you take on the specific points I raised, mang.

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Originally posted by draelyc

Come on, Scott -- that's got to be the King of the False Analogies. Smoking? Does that mean I shouldn't dye my hair red around my kids -- CUZ THEY MIGHT TURN INTO REDHEADS?!?

And just because peer pressure lures *some* people into becoming alcoholics, that certainly doesn't magically destroy the copious evidence that there are some folks who are GENETICALLY PREDISPOSED to become alcoholics, does it?

See, once again, the problem is you're seeing everything in black&white, absolute terms. Of course, environment & experience affect an individual's sexuality -- but you tell me, honestly: is there anything you, yourself, could've experienced in your life that would have left you with swollen wood at the sight of a naked man?

If you say "no," then you're argument goes bye-bye.

Now, quit whining and retype your reply to my other post -- I really want to see you take on the specific points I raised, mang.



awesome response...

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Originally posted by SkidMarx

There is FAR more evidence to support the theory that it is learned than that it is genetic, my friend. Of course the main stream media is only going to tell you all about the research to "prove" people are born that way, they are on board with the agenda. It's funny, they warn you that you "shouldn't smoke around your kids. Sets a bad example and they might mimic your behavior". Likewise foul language. "They'll copy you if you talk dirty, so don't so that!" Alcohol. "Don't drink around your kids, you'll teach them to drink!" "Make sure you eat right, because your kids are going to copy your eating habits", "if you do drugs your kids will do drugs", and the list goes on and on. So how come kids will copy all of that stuff but they won't copy their two parents who like to sleep with people of the same gender? They either copy or they don't. You can't have it both ways. It's common sense. Yeah, I know, liberals have no common sense, even when you are hitting them over the head with a sledgehammer of common sense, such as in this situation. The TRUTH is they absolutely DO copy, and you know they do.

As for the other post, I actually did type this real long anal reply but when I went to send it my mail server crashed and it was lost. Didn't have the energy to do it again. We've covered all those bases before, anyways, no need to continue this. We are just going to have to move on, we'll never agree. Even though what I just said makes far more sense than anything you have said. At least to people with common sense.

P.S. I suppose you'll discount this because it was reported by that tabloid, CNN? ;):p:D

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