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Anyone possibly want to trade for a 5150?


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What's the going rate on these heads right now? I got this one in a trade today. It's about 6 months old and has been sitting in this guy's room the whole time low miles. I'm really sorry to hijack your thread. I guess I could do one myself and have competing threads lol. I'll prolly just ebay it I guess.....;)

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Originally posted by shred-o-holic

What's the going rate on these heads right now? I got this one in a trade today. It's about 6 months old and has been sitting in this guy's room the whole time low miles. I'm really sorry to hijack your thread. I guess I could do one myself and have competing threads lol. I'll prolly just ebay it I guess.....


haha, no problem. I dunno the going rate either, i hear that they're going for like $600 on ebay. But i didn't buy mine, i got it in a trade for my DSL 50, which i'm kinda regretting now.

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Originally posted by cloudnine

$600 to an insane $750ish on Ebay now since the 6505 came out - people think they're "collectors items"
. They're the highest they've ever been pretty much.


Then I guess Egay it is!!!:D


Unless someone wants to float me 600 bills for this one.....it's pretty much minty....;)

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Originally posted by shred-o-holic

What's the going rate on these heads right now? I got this one in a trade today. It's about 6 months old and has been sitting in this guy's room the whole time low miles. I'm really sorry to hijack your thread. I guess I could do one myself and have competing threads lol. I'll prolly just ebay it I guess.....


Do you not like it?


Ive had mine for awhile now. I have my days with it :p

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Originally posted by Shask

Do you not like it?

Ive had mine for awhile now. I have my days with it


I've already owned two in the past bro. My ears just don't like 'em after a couple weeks. Besides I just bought my second Randall RM 100 off ebay. I have to pay for that. I'm so lame. My RM 100 acted up the other day so I rushed and bought a second one. Then sure enough the next day I took the amp apart......cleaned it up....resat and rebiased the tubes.......it's perfect again......:rolleyes: .....Oh well I have a backup coming......it's really the only amp I want........Randall's build quality is a little suspect with the MTS amps....they seems a little quirky if you bang them around a little.....:rolleyes::confused::) But the sound in my band rehearsals is just HUGE and amazing.....I love the amp.....:cool:

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Yeah, with all that stuff, and sliding cards in and out, I kind of worry about the longivity.


Something I wanna do sometime, is just build me a simple, 1 Channel, Beast Mother{censored}er :cool:. Something simple, and would still work if they they took out all the Microchips in the world :p


I retubed my 5150 a few months ago, and it dont sound nothing like it has the past few years, so I am enjoying that. I still have my days when I cant stand it though.


I cant say I havent thought about sellng it though, with the used prices as high as they are. yeah, definitely hit Ebay if you want the most out of it. People here still live in the '4 years ago' world, wanting them for $350.

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Originally posted by shred-o-holic

I've already owned two in the past bro. My ears just don't like 'em after a couple weeks. Besides I just bought my second Randall RM 100 off ebay. I have to pay for that. I'm so lame. My RM 100 acted up the other day so I rushed and bought a second one. Then sure enough the next day I took the amp apart......cleaned it up....resat and rebiased the tubes.......it's perfect again......
.....Oh well I have a backup coming......it's really the only amp I want........Randall's build quality is a little suspect with the MTS amps....they seems a little quirky if you bang them around a little.....
But the sound in my band rehearsals is just HUGE and amazing.....I love the amp.....


We just need to jam together, lol...



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You like the XT Live?


Only bad thing is, I got my PODxt before they lowered the price and everything, so Now I cant really sale it unless I get back 20% of cost. Oh well I guess.


Now that we just got more decent jobs, and things are going halfways decent, I keep trying to think where I wanna go next in my gear stuff. Then again, I feel like I alreafy got too much stuff. Delimas.... :p

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Originally posted by Shask

You like the XT Live?

Only bad thing is, I got my PODxt before they lowered the price and everything, so Now I cant really sale it unless I get back 20% of cost. Oh well I guess.

Now that we just got more decent jobs, and things are going halfways decent, I keep trying to think where I wanna go next in my gear stuff. Then again, I feel like I alreafy got too much stuff. Delimas....


The cool thing about the XT Live is that I've figured out how to switch my Randall's amp channels (the RM 100 is midi) and run effects. I didn't like it at all in the serial loop (its a tone sucker) but it works OK in the parallel loop for subtle reverbs, delays, etc......it's good for simple operations.....however I can't use the wah, gate, compressor, EQ in the parallel loop.....oh well it switches my channels at least.....;)

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Mine sounds like absolute crap in my 5150. Flanged sound like a parallel loop. But, it sounds excellent in my Randall loop. Ive yet to figure out why. But, I keep thinking 'Intellifex' Instead of looking into it too hard :p


As far as channels and all that, Ive found I work much better with less. Ive never made a preset in 2 years with my XT. I dont even know where my 5150 footswitch is. Thats part of my problem with many of the modern amps. Everyone always seems to want every little stupid thing footswitchable anymore, and these amps have so much crap on them, which just drag down the natural tone. I have never been a purist, but I am starting to see the point more these days.

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I don't use much on effects either bro.......I agree totally with you bra.....


My floorboard with my HD-147 got little use......however maybe I'll use some sound effects with my Magicstomp as some intro to a song or something.....that thing blows for switching effects in serial loops......but it sounds good if you don't use it to change programs.......


That's the killer thing about this parallel loop........you mix in the effects with your natural tone......


Dude the intellfiex is designed to not "f" with your tone btw......:cool:

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Yeah, they are suppose to be very natural. I figure I better grab one, before HC talks their value up a few hundred. Everything seems to do that around here :mad:


I always try FX units. Ive owned several, and always end up using like 1 preset, lol. I have been trying to use more delay/reverb though. I never used them much before, and have been trying to more for leads.

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