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My Rockerverb 50 Fineally Arrived


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Arrived in the mail this morning from fello OZ forumite Ovee, thanks mate for such a great transaction!! :)


Have been playing for the best part of 2 hrs now, all i can say is WOW :D

I didnt buy this amp specifically for the cleans and if they were useable i`d be a happy camper but whoa, the cleans are pretty darn good IMO. I havent had the chance to crank it past half way yet but i`m pretty impressed with the cleans so far.


The drive channel is where it`s all happening for me at the monent tho. I just love the tones coming out of this amp!! the distortion has a real nice vintage high gain voicing. Quite unlike any other amp i`ve played so far. It`s a tad darker that the marshall i`m used to playing but in a good way, the EQ works a treat and the midrange control does have quite a lot of scope.


My Bray plexi is a great amp and i`d love to keep both, i`ll give it another month or so and see how i`m digging the Orange then. I fear that i may be offloading the Plexi in the future because first impressions of the Rockerverb are pretty darn good :D


I havent any recording gear so i cant provide any clips yet, i`m working on that,

here`s a photo instead.




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Originally posted by cloudnine

Oh man, a Plexi from the year of my birth...




Jesus man i do feel old now :D:) i was 17 back in 1987!!!! i think the plexi was made in 1998, it`s a 1987 RI :D LOL





Gotta get myself one of those A/B boxes and runs both these at the same time :D

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Yeah I definitely have to get me one of them 1987s. It's seriously a sign. 50w should be plenty, but will it break up enough?


What did your mod do? What about the Plexi did you want to change?


I'm interested because I'm in a huge 70s/80s rock/metal phase now and I'm looking into them for a purchase a year or so down the road.

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Originally posted by cloudnine

Yeah I definitely have to get me one of them 1987s. It's seriously a sign. 50w should be plenty, but will it break up enough?

What did your mod do? What about the Plexi did you want to change?

I'm interested because I'm in a huge 70s/80s rock/metal phase now and I'm looking into them for a purchase a year or so down the road.


I got the plexi through Fleabay pretty cheap, sent it to dave bray, www.davidbrayamps.com he did his Mod/rework II. Basicly from what i can understand he adds a touch of gain and replaces quite a few comonents, it sounds awesome. He added a PPIMV (master volume) so it sounds great at super low volumes. You can get tons o gain out o this thing, so much so i put a 12AT7 in the pre amp to tame it a little. I got Dave to keep the low end reasonably tight.


Here`s a clip of Dave playing the amp before shipping it out. http://www.davidbrayamps.com/McGill.mp3

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Originally posted by cloudnine


That rhythm tone is {censored}ing SWEET. Oh man. No. No GAS. PLEASE GOD WHY

That lead tone sounded a bit icepicky but oh my lord the cleans were awesome...and that rhythm tone arrrrgh.


Yes it responds very well to the volume on your guitar, you can clean it up considerably and then with a roll ov the volume knob get a great lead sound. haha, sorry to fuel the gas :D

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