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Which would you pick?

Phil O'Keefe

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Assume you have a Fender Super Champ, a Fender Princeton II, a THD Univalve (with a Fender 2X12 cab) and a Guytronix kit head (Ardmore or Gilmore Jr... I've built the Gilmore Jr, and am working on the Ardmore, and I'll keep one or the other)... and you have a wide range of different guitars - 2 strats, a tele, Ric 610, Casino, Epi Les Paul, Dano DC-12, and plans to get a Gretsch 5570 Elliot Easton... and you need the amps primarily for studio use. I do a lot of hard rock recordings for clients, but my personal tastes range more towards powerpop...


You recently got a 72 Fender Twin in a trade... 100W, early master volume model loaded with stock Utahs, pretty good shape, considering its age, but hardly "mint"...


...and a buddy offers to trade you a Marshall VS100 Valvestate with a JCM 900 1960A 4X12 slant cabinet loaded with Celestion G12-75's straight across for the Twin.


Would YOU do the trade? If so, why? And if not, why not?

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Originally posted by Phil O'Keefe

Assume you have a Fender Super Champ, a Fender Princeton II, a THD Univalve (with a Fender 2X12 cab) and a Guytronix kit head (Ardmore or Gilmore Jr... I've built the Gilmore Jr, and am working on the Ardmore, and I'll keep one or the other)... and you have a wide range of different guitars - 2 strats, a tele, Ric 610, Casino, Epi Les Paul, Dano DC-12, and plans to get a Gretsch 5570 Elliot Easton... and you need the amps primarily for studio use. I do a lot of hard rock recordings for clients, but my personal tastes range more towards powerpop...

You recently got a 72 Fender Twin in a trade... 100W, early master volume model loaded with stock Utahs, pretty good shape, considering its age, but hardly "mint"...

...and a buddy offers to trade you a Marshall VS100 Valvestate with a JCM 900 1960A 4X12 slant cabinet loaded with Celestion G12-75's straight across for the Twin.

Would YOU do the trade? If so, why? And if not, why not?





Valvestates could sound good with some work. The Twin will sound great with some work.

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Definatly keep the twin. It's a classic that will only will be worth more as it get's older. I'm a big Marshall fan myself, but the valvestate's are just half a Marshall. Heck, i would'nt even classify someone who ask you to make that trade a "buddy". Maybe for an old JCM800 head, that would be more of a fair trade.

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Well, that response from everyone didn't really surprise me. :)

But the only thing making me even consider it in the slightest is that the Valvestate sounded pretty darned good, and the cabinet wasn't bad either - even though those are not my favorite speakers in the world, they sounded pretty good paired with that head. And I already have two classic Fender amps, and I can get a pretty good set of Fender type tones out of the Univalve too... not to mention a bunch of other tones.

But acousticvoodoo is right - I should mess around a bit with the Univalve going into the Twin... I've done that with the smaller Fenders, and it's roar city, but I bet that Twin, moving a bit more air, would sound pretty massive too. Not to mention they really rule for clean tones with massive headroom. :) But the best tones I've gotten out of that Univalve were with a NOS GE 6L6 GC that died all too soon after only a couple of months, but man did that sound good! On both the Rock and the Roll inputs. I've got a decent tube collection for that amp, but I need to get a few more - I really want a good 6550 and I need some GT GE reissues.

But I was surprised by the sound of the Valvestate. My buddy and I grabbed my Casino, and a couple of Teles and a Strat, and they sounded pretty darned good with all of them. The clean on the Marshall was not in the same league as the Fenders, but it was fuller and warmer than I was expecting and not brittle at all. And the Casino in particular rocked hard with the OD channels. And I do a lot of rock recording, and that was a cool rock tone. I currently don't have anything in the arsenal that does that same thing.

But I'd probably have to be nuts to make a swap like that. :) But I may offer to buy it from him, or I may start hunting Ebay for one of those heads... last I looked they were in the $200-$300 price range. That's cheap!

Honeyspider, you mentioned the JTM30 and JTM60. How much do those go for these days?

Heineken, you mentioned a JCM800 head would be a fair trade. Most of them that I see are a bit more than '72 Twins though.... maybe I just don't look in the right places. :D I've never owned one, but I've played with and recorded plenty of them, and did have a rock star's modded JCM800 here in the studio on a long term loan... and they're great heads IMO. Better than the later JCM900's IMO. If it was a JCM800 that my friend wanted to swap, it would be a more difficult decision for me to make.

Thanks for the replies everyone - appreciate it. :cool:

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Originally posted by Honeyspider

i have no idea man, sorry... i just used to have one and sold it for $350 canadian shortly after i started playing guitar to buy a flextone 2 XL combo

No problem - thanks anyway. :)

A completed Ebay auction search seems to show them in the $350 - $400 US range... not so bad. Did you have the 2X10 or the 1X12 version? I think I'd probably rather have the 2X10. :)

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Originally posted by Phil O'Keefe

No problem - thanks anyway.

A completed Ebay auction search seems to show them in the $350 - $400 US range... not so bad. Did you have the 2X10 or the 1X12 version? I think I'd probably rather have the 2X10.

i had the 30 watt 1x12 :) you know why i sold it though? i thought the clean channel sucked, cause it couldnt get me a nice fat warm clean sound, but i later figured out that it wasnt the amps fault, and that the amp actually sounded really good clean... it was just that i had a 24 fret maple carvin with only a bridge pickup, and an ebony fretboard... go figure lol...

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