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WOT: Curious about 'roids...


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OK, the particular roids you asked about are rather weak in comparison to newer compounds. If you really want to learn stuff about cycling and stacking, check out the forums at bodybuilding.com. the thing about roids is that unless you are willing to diet immaculately and use other supplements properly, not to mention train like a beast, then juice is worth more trouble than what they're worth. Especially when considering the price and their being illegal. also, impropper use of roids (which most users will invariable do at some point) will have serious impact on your endocrine system. there was an awesome bodybuilder in the 80's, his name was Mike Metzer, when he and his brother (another great bodybuilder) were training back then he used to pop dianabol capsules like candy. 8 years later, theyre both dead from heart problems. all ur body systems are connected so messing with one just f*cks up the rest of em.


heres a pic of a guy that was at one time an awesome bodybuilder but now looks like crap. this is what happens when u mess with juice for too long. he's still big as a house but he looks horrible

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Originally posted by wfranklin

heres a pic of a guy that was at one time an awesome bodybuilder but now looks like crap. this is what happens when u mess with juice for too long. he's still big as a house but he looks horrible



Sick :freak: How could anyone find that attractive.

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The 4.3% was from a skin fold test with the pincher lookin' contraption 7, possibly 8 months ago. The 5.1 was from this morning on scales with the reading built in. I said I thought those were questionable...man, you guys are all over me like stink on {censored}. Anyway, the scales were accurately zeroed, but as seems to be common knowledge, body fat percentile readings from them can be off.

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Riverdragon, it's a killer riff, I don't blame them. m/


WFrank, I have absolutely NO desire to get that big. And any steroid use is out right now. If/when the times comes there are better options (like Primobolan for example). But, it's not something I'm thinking about now.

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Originally posted by Neodysseus

The 4.3% was from a skin fold test with the pincher lookin' contraption 7, possibly 8 months ago. The 5.1 was from this morning on scales with the reading built in. I said I thought those were questionable...man, you guys are all over me like stink on {censored}. Anyway, the scales were accurately zeroed, but as seems to be common knowledge, body fat percentile readings from them can be off.



No one's all over your {censored}, its just that 4.3% is dangerously close to unhealthy and you made some comment about "light side of normal" or something... 4.3% is nowhere near normal...



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Originally posted by sah5150

No one's all over your {censored}, its just that 4.3% is dangerously close to unhealthy and you made some comment about "light side of normal" or something... 4.3% is nowhere near normal...



You would be correct my Brother!!


I hate to say this but above 20% is a normal for most people. It's Not healthy but that is the norm for most people in the states.


8-10% is where most bodybuilders hover until a contest and 4.3% is contest condition and not anywhere near normal and can lead to seriuos health issues ;)


That said.. you can stay at 6% bodyfat year long without any side effects or health issues but that is the probably the lowest that you can go if you want to keep you BF levels low year round. It is also a pain in the ass staying there ;)

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Originally posted by sah5150

No one's all over your {censored}, its just that 4.3% is dangerously close to unhealthy and you made some comment about "light side of normal" or something... 4.3% is nowhere near normal...




It doesn't bother me dude, I already knew the world was full of critics, I just fire back when I feel it's worth the time or effort to do so. On the other hand, if I'm mistaken, I sincerely appreciate the concern (if that's what it is), but there's not alot I can do about getting fat (nor would I want to be fatter for health's sake) beyond the eating I'm already doing.

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Originally posted by Neodysseus

I know there are a few psuedo gym-rats here and I was just wondering if any of you guys have experimented with steroids?

Specifically stacking Dianabol and Westrol.

I'm 25, 6'2, 173lbs. and my body fat % last time I checked was 4.2, so yeah...I'm on the heavy side of skinny or on the lean side of average
Anyway, I was a multi-sport high school athelete and I still play basketball, flag football and swim occasionally and I've been lifting high weight/ low reps pretty regularly for about 3 months now. I can tell I've shocked my chest and arms into some growth and I feel better overall but I'm not happy with it and I'm losing motivation rapidly. It just seems like more of a pain in the ass than it's been worth so far and ultimately I think my metabolism is still getting the best of me.

I've been doing my homework I just wanna know personally if any body else has cheated...what the results were, how long they lasted and what the side effects were like.




Ok... just some heads up. Both the drugs(I'm assuming that when you said Westrol, you meant Winstrol) you listed are 17-alpha alkylated, meaning, in simple english, that steriods of that chemical chain are pretty damn harsh on the liver, particularly Dianabol aka D-bol. Taking both at the same time would be kind of risky, to say the least.


My advice is to not do this stuff. Great gains can be made if you research and make the most out of your time when you train. If you are going to do it anyway, make sure you know your stuff. I mean research for months (half lives, anabolic vs. androgenic, etc), and know what you are putting into your body. There are a lot of underground labs out there that aren't exactly the "cleanest" when it comes to preparing this stuff, and most are in China. One last thing, just because some tool has done two or three cycles doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. Yet, I'm still stressing that you should go the natural route... trust me, you'll appreciate it down the road.

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

Wow, Talk about some serious misinformation!!!! If I have the time, Ill be back to school some of you Kannibuls....

It's about time someone agreed with me

So much is just wives tales and bull{censored}! As I said earlier, know what your talking about before you start typing!:D

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Originally posted by diocide

It's about time someone agreed with me

So much is just wives tales and bull{censored}! As I said earlier, know what your talking about before you start typing!


Too many "experts" out there Paulie:rolleyes:


Steroids are not without their risks and side effects , Ill never deny that but the biggest problem with them is a HUGE amount of misinformation...



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Originally posted by Bob Savage

Whew! I was a little worried. Looks like I can have that porkfat pizza for dinner afterall.



I didn't say exceptionally good, just exceptional. Step away from that pizza lardboy... it's brown rice and vegetables for you from now on...



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Originally posted by Neodysseus

...................... I already knew the world was full of critics,................... I sincerely appreciate the concern (if that's what it is), but there's not alot I can do about getting fat (nor would I want to be fatter for health's sake) beyond the eating I'm already doing.



I dunno just look at this food for thought, will either support your choice or go against it



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Originally posted by Neodysseus

It doesn't bother me dude, I already knew the world was full of critics, I just fire back when I feel it's worth the time or effort to do so. On the other hand, if I'm mistaken, I sincerely appreciate the concern (if that's what it is), but there's not alot I can do about getting fat (nor would I want to be fatter for health's sake) beyond the eating I'm already doing.



Ummm... actually..., no..., I haven't the slightest concern for your health...



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