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Combos: Laney LC50 @ $300 or Carvin X100B @ $250


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Thinking about Christmas presents for myself again, cuz I been good, and I ran across a couple things that were interesting ...


Older Laney LC-50 1x12, beat to {censored}, looks rough, mechanically sound, 6L6s, some speaker called an H&H with the union jack decal/logo on the magnet.


* How do they sound when cranked?

* Are they known as reliable?

* Easy to upgrade for techs?

* Worth $300 (He's asking $350 but, eff him!)


Older Carvin X100 1x12, great shape, very clean, graphic EQ, EL34s I think, original EV speaker, can be easily modded by many techs, easily worth the $250 I'll give him for it.


* How much gain can you get out of one?

* How are they when cranked?

* Are they generally reliable?


Which would you buy, and why?




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Originally posted by snakum

Older Carvin X100 1x12, great shape, very clean, graphic EQ, EL34s I think, original EV speaker, can be easily modded by many techs, easily worth the $250 I'll give him for it.

* How much gain can you get out of one?

* How are they when cranked?

* Are they generally reliable?

Ok, this one I'll take a stab at, as I have a related model.

Though the (later) EL34 versions of the X100's will break up sooner than the (original) 6L6 versions (by accounts on the Carvin Forums), these amps were originally designed for loud cleans/pedals. With 100 watts of tube power, what it sounds like cranked is the sound of your eardrums permanently shutting off ;) . I wouldn't go near it for cranked power tube tones. In the two weeks I've owned my 6L6 version, I've never had the volume above "1", and it's usually on "1/3" :eek: ... they are terrifyingly loud. If the combo has a 25%/50%/100% switch, things might be different, but it does change the sound quite a bit (not sure how it will pan out on the EL34 version).

The overdrive channel on my X100 is an fat, evil, nasty, buzzing demon. I like it! Not going to be my staple sound, however, as I will depend on my two (excellent) pedals. You get about as much OD as on a Classic 30. The cleans on the 6L6 version are the tip of the top... as good as it gets for ultra-clean cleans.

From what I understand, these amps are very reliable. I've not heard otherwise, and a Gear Page forumite has been gigging his since the late 80's, if memory serves...

Don't get me wrong, I love my 6L6 version to death, the cleans are astonishingly good, the reverb is awesome, and the overdrive has a certain appeal that I've never run across before. I'm not so sure it's what you're after, though, based on what I know about your playing style. Hopefully someone who knows the EL34 version really well will comment, but I would be cautious about this one.

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Thanks Boogs!

It does have the 100/66/33 switch in the back, but it will still be too loud for that molten power tube thing I'd imagine. I'd probably hit it with a Bad Monkey or two if I bought it.

I should probably just go ahead and buy another Classic 30 or 50. I always seem to wind up with one anyway. :D


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Originally posted by snakum

Thanks Boogs!

It does have the 100/66/33 switch in the back, but it will still be too loud for that molten power tube thing I'd imagine. I'd probably hit it with a Bad Monkey or two if I bought it.

I should probably just go ahead and buy another Classic 30 or 50. I always seem to wind up with one anyway.


As I was typing that, I remembered about your "dual Classic 30" setup/ That must have been pretty damn loud if you were cranking them! :D

I'm not sure what you would think of the %power options.... I don't like it yet on the 6L6 x100B, but that's me. Kind of a cool idea, anyway... maybe I'll try to play with it some more this week.

You should get a Classic 50 head, and some cabs. Maybe a dozen or so different cabs with different flavors. Make that two Classic 50 heads... stereo is always good!


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Originally posted by snakum

Thanks Boogs!

It does have the 100/66/33 switch in the back, but it will still be too loud for that molten power tube thing I'd imagine. I'd probably hit it with a Bad Monkey or two if I bought it.

I should probably just go ahead and buy another Classic 30 or 50. I always seem to wind up with one anyway.


With the 3 X100 amps I've had (acually all 6L6, 2 X100B heads and an X100 212), I've always LOVED the lead channel w/ my ts10 tubescreamer as a boost. I don't like the distortion much without the tubescreamer, though. That thing really tightens up the bottom end and makes it scream. With my SG knockoff loaded w/ a set of 81/85 EMG's, it got a really heavy and bassy sound. With my Squier Protone strat, I got really good blues out of it combined w/ my tubescreamer. I ACCIDENTALLY LOST my last one in a pawn after just getting married and really caught up in a lot of stuff and forgot to get it out on time. It was gone as soon as the date to get it out was up. :mad::cry:

All that said, I'd also love to have a Classic 50. :cool:

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I think I'm going to buy the Carvin combo at the end of the month if the gourd-head pawnshop freak mullet-cut man ( :freak: ) will sell it to me at a decent price. I hate dealing with these idiots sometimes. The X100 has been sitting in there at least three years (that's when I first saw it) and gathering dust along with a Marshall TSL head ($1200, with a printed MF ad for a new one taped to it :rolleyes: ). But you try to talk to these pinheads and they act like they don't really want to sell it to you. What is this freak going to do? Take up the fekkin guitar? Freak. :freak:

But anyway ...

I'm going to buy it and set it on 33%, turn all the knobs to '10', make a V-shape with the EQ, then hit it with the Badamus Monkus and pass out ear plugs to my bandmates.

I ... rule! :D

I hate low-rent trailerpark mullet-head pawnshop freaks. ( :freak: )

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Originally posted by rushtallica

With the 3 X100 amps I've had (acually all 6L6, 2 X100B heads and an X100 212), I've always LOVED the lead channel w/ my ts10 tubescreamer as a boost. I don't like the distortion much without the tubescreamer, though. That thing really tightens up the bottom end and makes it scream.



I like the overdrive as well, and use a Keeley-modified TS-9 as a boost. I like it's evil tone without anything as well, though it's not exactly...erm...defined.


Snakum - these are great amps, didn't want to piss in your Cheerios . I just got the idea that you are a man that likes to get the power tubes cooking, and it doesn't seem like the %power switch is *quite* the same thing. One thing about these amps, though, is that along with great cleans they take pedals really well (at least my version). I have an

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I wondered why everyone was so pissy at breakfast. :confused:

( :D )

Yes, I'm usually a glowing powertubes guy, but it's hard to get that out of anything bigger than a Classic 30, and even that's too loud sometimes. I've come to rely on the Bad Monkey as a good alternative, though.

Thanks for the info on the Carvin. It's been my experience I can work with a bad dirty channel, but if the clean doesn't do it ... it's out. Thus I sold my JCM800 halfer. I guess the $299 he's asking isn't bad, huh? I'm going to start at $200 anyway, though, because he's a :freak: with a mullet. :D

Thanks for the info, all!


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