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Buy my correct horn/headstock agile!

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

How exactly do you do that? I'm sure if I tried that I'd {censored} something up real bad. Both my guitars are black anyways.



Its acually pretty easy. I spraypainted ( from Autozone ) the Agile black 1st, before the swirl. If you really wanted to do it, all you'd have to do is scuff up the paint on your's ... although I'd take all or most of the clear off,too.


I only used one color each on those swirls, I think most of Ibanez' factory swirls look like puke from all the colors, but the black and green looks cool.


It pretty much goes just like this ->




I'll try and find a link I used to have of a guy that swirled ALL KINDS of {censored}, he had a swirl motorcycle, gas tank, fenders and all:eek:

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

Haha, yeah man, I'm buying it.
Can't wait to get it!
That swirl page looks {censored}ing awesome, I want to buy a guitar just to try that out on! Haha!


I'm tellin' ya, its way easy. {censored}, all the electronics on the 550 are on the pickguard except the output jack!


That Jem body would have been a OK canidate anyway.

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Originally posted by Rockys Mob

so you dip it....

and move the paint from the top with newspaper then take it out?

im kinda confused



I guess that what confuses me. Then they want you to twirl it around the room. Wouldnt the paint fly off?

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Originally posted by Rockys Mob

so you dip it....

and move the paint from the top with newspaper then take it out?

im kinda confused



They mentioned that, I did that with the RG, but I found a better way, that I used for the Agile.


I just dipped the guitar in at an angle, and once it was all the way under I pulled it up at an opposite angle ( if that makes any sense ) so the back would get a swirl. It worked awesome, and IMO the back of the Agile looks cooler than the front.


Newspaper is good for taking the paint off the surface of the water, though. When you're making the swirl pattern before the dip, if the paint gets too thinned ( it wants to spread, thinning it ) the whole surface can get paint over it ... newspaper just cleans that {censored} right up. I used a rubbermaid-style trashcan for my dips, BTW. I also ( not sure if it made a difference or not ) used a {censored}load of Borax in my water, more than I remeber them calling for.

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Originally posted by Shask

I guess that what confuses me. Then they want you to twirl it around the room. Wouldnt the paint fly off?



I never twirled. I had a place all ready for them to hang. When I dipped the RG there was a good bit of water droplets on there, they dried quickly though ... for some reason the Agile seemed to come out drier.


Even if you did twirl, it would be ok I guess, if there wasn't globs of paint on your guitar.

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