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New Savage 120 Clip!

Kyle DiSanto

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Ok so here is one I did today real quick. This is my fav tone out of the three savage clips that are on my page.




This is "Savage three"




EDIT: Guitar: Jackson King V, 81 in bridge

Mxr Eq into ISP DEcimator Into savage 120....MEsa Trad 4x12. Sm57(off axis) and Beta 58 (on axis)...into mbox 2

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Originally posted by Deicide1


Go to this link.

Sounds really good. I think a Savage 120 is in my future. Maybe summertime.

It's has this chunkiness that nothing else has. You're picking it up great in your recordings and Derek has in a couple of his.


Thanks bro...this amp sounds so heavy lol!

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Originally posted by Deicide1

No doubt man. I'm really digging your clips. I'm also thinking I need a cab loaded with V30s. I love this Gflex 2x12, but it records really flat.



The mesa sounds really good with the savage. Since the savage is soo tight the mesa isnt the tightest cab so it pairs well. I tried the savage with my framus cobra cab(front loaded, emi govs)..it was to boxy..I am gunna get rid of it and maybe get a bogner cab or a marshall with v30s.

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Originally posted by ROTINPAIN

The mesa sounds really good with the savage. Since the savage is soo tight the mesa isnt the tightest cab so it pairs well. I tried the savage with my framus cobra cab(front loaded, emi govs)..it was to boxy..I am gunna get rid of it and maybe get a bogner cab or a marshall with v30s.



Whatever you're doing...it sounds killer.



I'm going to have to stay away from your threads, as they are make me GAS big time.;)

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

To be honest, I'm not liking the tone of your Savage clips bro. No disrespect obviously, but I'm just not liking the tone. I'm digging the Powerball clips of late more though (DaveAsmodeus, metalpoida), I like how smooth they sound. I have always wanted a Powerball.



I'm liking the Savage clip's better lately myself and Kyle this sound's kickass man especially considering it's single tracked and no back track it sound's meaner than all hell.



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Just get the Savage SE!!! That thing is smooooooth.


But I tried the Powerball with a MXR 10-band EQ in the loop yesterday. Instant Savage! Well not really, just sounded like the thickest, meatiest Powerball I've ever heard trying to to Savage impressions. A pretty awesome sound.

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Originally posted by DerekB

I'm liking the Savage clip's better lately myself and Kyle this sound's kickass man especially considering it's single tracked and no back track it sound's meaner than all hell.




Thanks Derek! The amp definitly sounds mean as hell. I would doubble Track but the problem is i record them at semi loud volumes and my headphones suck so I cant hear my previous track when doing the 2nd one. Once I work that {censored} out Ill start to doubble track!


Mega....I understand completely. I really don't like a smooth tone to be honest. I like the tone to be raw and mean sounding. Your blackmore clips were good but to my ears they were always smooth- Just a matter of personal taste. I will {censored} with the amp more this week and post some smoother sounding clips. Right now my Mids are DIMED lol...i love mids ahahha...Ill lower them and see whats up.


Thanks again for everyone who listened!

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

I'm digging the Powerball clips of late more though (DaveAsmodeus, metalpoida), I like how smooth they sound. I have always wanted a Powerball.



I will say this...the poweball seems to be more 5150 and the savage a bit more 5150 II. My buddy has a 5150(was his main amp) and now his main is the powerball. AS he puts it "its like a refined 5150" And I agree with him to a certian extent. Maybee try a PB out...

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Hmm, that's weird, I've always desribed by Blackmore as a refined 5150, or a Marshall on steroids. Like a 5150, only clearer and smoother sounding. Mids dimed eh? Maybe that's what I'm hearing that I don't like? I usually kept my mids around 4 on my Blackmore. Whatever works though man, I'm sure the amp kills and you seem happy, so that's all that matters. m/ :D m/

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

Whatever works though man, I'm sure the amp kills and you seem happy, so that's all that matters. m/


YES LLOL I will do some more "less mid" clips soon though. I record the clips in rough mode also. Smooth mode is ok but really is meant for lead. I dont really like it for Riffin out. Also, The contuor button is out which means more low mids and a meatier sound. I could get close to your blackmore clips by pushing this button in to boost the high mids and cut the lower ones. DAmn I cant beleive i forgot about this haha This amp has so many options!

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Originally posted by guitarman967

Hey Kyle if you told me that was a Cobra clip I wouldn't bat an eye. It sounds alot like the Cobra from those clips. How do the two amps differ?

HAHAHA The two amps a similar in some respects, but the engl has more options. If I boost 6 db of 1k in protools, that track will sound like a cobra dead on IMO. The cobra is definitly an Amp I will own again but the Savage is just doing the tone I want a lot better by itself than the cobra did. Ill go into detail some other time cuase I gotta leave soon for this party :freak: but the savage is tighter and doesnt have quite as many mids as the cobra. The savage's loops are better and overall it has way more options. The clean isnt nearly as good as the cobra, but that doesnt bother me cause the heavy sounds are more important for me. The savage has way more in bettween sounds than the cobra and the lead tone is very tight and razor sharp. THe cobra is saggier and phatter however. I gotta run PEACE

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Originally posted by ROTINPAIN

HAHAHA The two amps a similar in some respects, but the engl has more options. If I boost 6 db of 1k in protools, that track will sound like a cobra dead on IMO. The cobra is definitly an Amp I will own again but the Savage is just doing the tone I want a lot better by itself than the cobra did. Ill go into detail some other time cuase I gotta leave soon for this party
but the savage is tighter and doesnt have quite as many mids as the cobra. The savage's loops are better and overall it has way more options. The clean isnt nearly as good as the cobra, but that doesnt bother me cause the heavy sounds are more important for me. The savage has way more in bettween sounds than the cobra and the lead tone is very tight and razor sharp. THe cobra is saggier and phatter however. I gotta run PEACE


I liked all the clips myself, but liked the Cobra one at the bottom of your oage the best. It sounded tighter than the Savage and more high fi.

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Yes Im Guilty of running the MXR with it lol. Boosting 1k a tiny bit(maybee 3db). Today I was boosting much less...almost nothing and getting some better results.


The mesa cab seems to have this weird High End Sizzle that happends...IMO it contributes to the trebley sound you are hearing. Im currently trying to sell my Framus cab, then Im gunna look for a better cab than the mesa....something just as good yet sounds better..I like v30s alot but i duno If i wanna go All v30s.. Im just looking for the fullest sound possible. Iduno Maybee an engl cab? but damn they are maddd Money.


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The reason I knew that is I took my MXR 10-band to the Framus and when boosting 1K it does something to the Cobra's mids and kills that bubbley Mid sound you're not that found of. The result is more aggressive for sure but too raw sounding for me.

As far as cabs, try out a Basson Kyle. There super cheap and extremely tight sounding. I've Heard good things about Vader cabs too. BTW, I like your clips alot, I'm excited to hear the result when you get the kinks worked out! See ya!

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Originally posted by guitarman967

The reason I knew that is I took my MXR 10-band to the Framus and when boosting 1K it does something to the Cobra's mids and kills that bubbley Mid sound you're not that found of. The result is more aggressive for sure but too raw sounding for me.

As far as cabs, try out a Basson Kyle. There super cheap and extremely tight sounding. I've Heard good things about Vader cabs too. BTW, I like your clips alot, I'm excited to hear the result when you get the kinks worked out! See ya!



Thanks for listening Joel! All imput is greatly appreciated. I definitly don't like the bubble that the framus has and 5150s have it also. I prefer a more in your face and raw tone which the mxr helps me achive. Right now I am considering a pick up change to some passives, I really want the tightness and crunch of the 81 and the clearness but something warmer and less cold..more full. I really think its time for the mesa to go to. Just gotta find which cab I will like the most!


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