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started new band, check out our first recordings! acoustic/hard rock content!

flaming turd

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our old singer left, so we have been with this guy for about 3 months. his name is will smith.











ya rly.







anyways, this time around, we dicided to do the recordings ourself, so i got a firepod and some krk monitors, and i have a question about those:


how can they be good reference moniters if they are so bass heavy? when we mix it good on those, it sounds thin on anything else.


anyways, i won't make any specific excuses, but these are pretty rough, still learning everything. one thing: on the acoustic songs, the singer took two takes, and somehow they both got on there.


i am mostly looking for comments on the singer and the songwriting in general, since the mix, tone, and playing is pretty much jacked, but anything is appreciated.


thanks, bruce.



living on dreams


burning inside


who you are





for reference, this is the old singer, at a cheap studio.






finding myself

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I listened to all the tracks. The acoustic songs sound pretty good to me. The only thing that I recommend is raising the levels on the guitar just a tad, so it's louder. Vocals sounds pretty good for this type of music. Reminds me a little of Alice in Chains, whom I love. The vocals on the last song with distortion sound good, but the entire track needs to be louder. Quite a bit louder.

Good work though.

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Originally posted by Deicide1

Oh, and I'm not sure what software you are using, but look for an option called "normalize" or something a long those lines. Do that after a track is fully complete and it should bring it up to good levels.



yeah, i'm useing cubase le, i just didn't get around to it yet, cause i have only the mp3 till band practice.


thanks, for the kind words.

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Originally posted by RonniePentatonic

I heard some Staley influence too, and someone else I cant put my finger on.

I liked it but you made the age old mistake of putting the word "acoustic" in a HCAF thread title.

The words acoustic, blues, jazz or country immediately transform said thread into boat anchor status.


there is something else there, and you know what? i think it's his own thing. its like this specific melody type that uses in a lot of the stuff he writes. i can't describe adequitly, but i think i know what you're talking about.

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