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OT: Shit I didn't need to hear!


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Originally posted by SFW

That thought has crossed my mind a couple of times already. Although, I was thinking 12 guage with some heavy buckshot.

No. Don't even think about that. Not even "just to scare" the guy. Baseball bat yes, but too much fukked up {censored} happens when in possession of a firearm.

I'm not well informed about the US penitentiary system but I'm quite sure he is *not* going to be having a nice time in jail ;)

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send him to jail...let him know what it feels like to get raped and beaten!!!!

i seriously HATE people who do this stuff...glad you got her to go to the hospital, because too many girls never do because of stupid reasons (like the ones posted).

dont do anything to him unless he gets off the hook...if he does BEAT HIS ASS!!!

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Once you KNOW she has reported this it's time to kick some {censored}ing ass!

When I was first out of highschool I was hanging out with some friends of mine when a truck pulled up across from us. A female friend of mine got out crying and jumped into her car. She left before anyone could even walk over to her car. I ran down her best friend ASAP and sent her to her house to see if she was there and to find out what happened. I was thinking she got dumped by some schmuck...nope! She got in the guys truck and "cruised the strip" (some of you remember this) a few times. When she got ready to go the guy drove out into the woods and tried to rape her. She kept screaming at him that she was on her period and this got him to stop before he took her pants off. He then told her to suck his dick or he would leave her in the middle of nowhere. She begged him to take her back because her dad would be looking for her and she would be in trouble but the guy demanded that she give him head. She wasn't but 16 at the time and was so upset that she just gave in and gave the guy head. He dropped her off at her car crying her eyes out and drove home.

Her friend calls me to tell me what had happend. I drove around town all night and didn't see him so I made it a point to get up early and be in town since I know where he works. I drive by his job early and he isn't there yet so I head over to sonic to get something to eat...THERE HE IS! Parked in one of the first stalls standing outside his truck talking to some girl. I locked up my brakes, jumped out of my truck and came charging at him. The girl he was talking to knew I was looking for a fight and jumped between us before anything was said from either of us. What's funny is he already knew why I was there. I guess word got around that the girl he {censored}ed with was a friend of mine and I was PISSED about it and drove around town all night looking for him. He started talking {censored} behind the girl about how she wanted him and I was just pissed because she sucked his dick (not at all true because I was trying to hook up with her best friend) He said she gave fire head and swallowe and some other {censored}. He then started mouthing off about how I'm a {censored} and he'd kick my ass anyway...the usual.

I told him to meet me right then down the road just the two of us and settle this...no go. He got in his truck while the girl kept me from getting to him (it was tight between the vehicles and I didn't want to get arrested at a sonic) I followed him and he drove over to the basketball park, got out and jumped the fence. His buddies were playing 5 on 5 ball in the park...I knew this was a setup! I was so pissed I didn't even care! I pulled up behind his truck and got out. As I walked up to teh fence all his buddies walked up to the fence and mouthed some {censored} about having to go through them to get to him...so I explained exactly what happend and told them point blank that I'm coming over the fence either way and I might get my ass kicked 10 times before I get to him but either way I'm getting to him. None of his buddies had heard about what happend the night before and started looking at him like THEY wanted to kick his ass. One of them said "That's {censored}ed up! Come on over the fence man. I'll make sure it's a fair fight." So I hopped over the fence.

I walked right up to him and spit in his face. That pissed him off she he threw a strait right that I shot in under. I grabbed him belly to belly and slammed him on his face right on the concrete of the court (I'm 5'4" and 205 he's 6'3" and 230) When he hits the ground I spin around and let go of his waist and grabbed the back of his head as he was trying to get up and started kneeing him in the face. I got about 3 good ones in before he decided to go down instead of back up and I started dropping punches right on his ear. I got about 10 of those in before his buddies pulled me off of him. He had a broken nose either from one of the knees or the face first suplex on the concrete. His whole head was swolen and he was black and blue for a month. Whats even worse is that I had just gotten out of the hospital from surgery from a broken orbital and jaw from catching a steel toe boot to the face. If I hadn't been on a liquid diet for 3 months strait he would have been much worse off.

I'm long winded...

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Originally posted by Grind Cruncher

Waiting even one day may weaken her case, they will use the waiting against her for sure!

but he still left marks and broken ribs...hes gonna get something no matter what, and that will weigh heavily in her favor.

and SS454...remind me NEVER to piss you off man...id never do anything like that to a chick...but i wouldnt want to get my ass beat like that :D good job! :thu:

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If cops havent been told yet and you know who did it. Then {censored}ing open several cans upon his arse.

It's not as if he can then go to the cops because it will be revealed that he (sick bastard) raped someone.

If you decide to tell the cops first. Then hopefully your justice system is good and he goes to prison and becomes some Bubba's prison bitch.

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