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Retubing my 5150 II help.....


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Ok, I just recieved my retube kit from Eurotubes. I threw them in the head (Followed all instructions, they were very clear), and now I get zero gain on the lead channel, and little to no sound from the clean channel. Bob reassured me that I could do the retube myself, but I guess not. Anybody have any leads for what I can do to remedy this?

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They're all securely plugged in, and they're all glowing wonderfully. So i'm guessing that there's a bad tube. Now, how the hell do I put the old tubes back in (Sovtek power & EHX pre's)? Is there a way to tell where each tube goes in each gain stage? Or should I be fine putting them back in whichever way?

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If you are sure your guitar cord is good and plugged in all the way, the volume is up and all ..... then !!! >>>


Remove all 4 power tubes and replace them with the old tubes. If you have your volume back, then you know it is one of the power tubes . You can then try one at a time to see which one it is. If you have no luck with that, try the same with the pre tubes.


See what you can find out.


Good luck.


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Any which way is fine on the Power amp tubes.


Should also be the same for the preamp tubes. The only consideration would be if you had a 12AT7 or something specific for the phase inverter. I believe phase inverter is the one all the way to the left, closest to the transformer

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Doesn't really matter which goes where. They're all 12AX7s, I'm assuming. If you prefer the sound of one tube in a particular place, then try to find out what that specific combination was (assuming you marked the tubes before you pulled them out, and wrote down the order).

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Originally posted by Rindgecore

Ok, I switched the power tubes out. Not a damn bit of difference. Now onto the preamp tubes.




Peaveys are not designed very well. Maybe you flexed that little wafer thin preamp board too much changing tubes and cracked a solder joint? :o


If your old tubes don't work either, and you KNOW that your guitar chord and speaker chord is good, then I would just dump that thing in the trash and buy a Mesa or something that is built and sounds better. :(



good luck

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Originally posted by Dr. Tweedbucket

Peaveys are not designed very well. Maybe you flexed that little wafer thin preamp board too much changing tubes and cracked a solder joint?



:rolleyes: Yeah, that happens all the time on those POS amps. :rolleyes: You owned one for a month, didn't like the tone, and now you're an authority on the build quality of them. In 4 years and 100+ 5150's I've yet to see the circuit board fail once. Peavey doesn't even stock them, that's how often they fail.


Try plugging your guitar into the effects loop return jack and see if you get any sound. If you do the problem is in the preamp section. The amp worked OK before you changed the tubes?


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