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Laney VC15 v Vox AD30VT


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I've got the Vox right now. Used to have the 15watt and traded up to the 30. I'm just not overly happy with it. I dunno if I'm just not using it right, but I feel the sounds from it are a little tinny and thin.


I've read loads of threads about upgrading speakers etc, but I just don't think its worth it. Its a

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haven't tried the vc15 but IF it is just a smaller version of the VC30 then i'd say: 'what are you waiting for??'


played the VC30 once and it was awesome.

i also know the vox ad series quite well and it definitely would be an upgrade.

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I've no idea if the VC 30 is like the VC15. I think it has a bigger speaker.


The Vox is honestly fine, just really tinny sounding. I'll check out the speaker part. Any recommendations???


The address for that site is actually about 5 minutes from where I live!!!! I'll check out how much to fit one. I'd not attempt it myself. Just thinking tho............. If I sold my amp, the price of the speaker plus the money for my amp would more or less buy a brand new VC15.


I've tried the LC15R. Its cool, but I've heard some issues about reliability, and the valves are fitted in a funny place, so can get too hot.


I do like the change of amp at the flick of a switch, and I think the Vox amp looks fab.


Thats the thing tho. You've got one sound with the Valve amp (well 2!!). I use a Zoom G2 pedal. Cheap but sounds fine. I use it for recording. Will my distortion sound better if I run the 4 track through a valve amp?


I've bought some duff kit lately. Not keen on gettig more!!!


I'll check out the speak mods, and try find the best one


Again, any recommendations????????

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From Loudspeaker I'd recommend a Celestion V10 40. It's loud (for a 10"er) and quite well rounded tonally speaking. The other alternative would be an Eminence Copperhead, which is even louder, and will offer a balanced tone.


I don't think LC15s have had reliability issues recently - they made some mods to the amp after a couple of years production that seemed to fix things. And if it's new then there's also warranty.


As for recording, I think Mic placement and careful EQ is going to have a greater effect on tone than plugging the mic into a valve amp. Or did you mean using the line-out? In that case I'd expect the Vox to have a much better recorded tone than a laney valve amp run direct to 4 track. The line out of most valve amps is designed to go through the PA speakers. You could however put the lineout through a DI box with cab simulation (Behringer make a low-cost version). However my best recordings were done micing the amp, using a low-cost mixer to EQ the signal before running it through my PCs soundcard.

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Originally posted by Delboybruce


Phoned the bloke at the company you sent me. Nice bloke. As his prices include postage, and I live up the road, he said he'd fit it for free.

Gonna pop along this afternoon. Apparently a Celestion V10 vintage is a good choice.

Will try to find a thread with some advice on that one


You beat me to it!


Yes, he's a nice guy, and those are about the best UK prices you can find anywhere.

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He recommended the Celestion G10 Vintage. Have you any knowledge of them???


I think I'm going to just stay put with the Vox right now, and see if changing the speaker makes the improvement I hope.


For the cash, it'd be less hassle than selling my amp, and hopeing the VC15 is better. I know its a better amp, but not sure if it is for my use. I'm only using at home now.


So...keeping the amp...thanks for the website, now for the right choice of speaker!!!! ..........................:)

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Originally posted by Delboybruce

He recommended the Celestion G10 Vintage. Have you any knowledge of them???

So...keeping the amp...thanks for the website, now for the right choice of speaker!!!! ..........................


Not being funny, but in 2 of my posts above I've recommended a specific speaker than they supply.

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SOrry just read............


Cool. I'd just never heard of that model before. I'd heard of the Vintage, so it was really just a case of, do you go for what you know???


I actually don't really understand what difference it would make putting the one that says 40 watts in a 30 watt speaker, and the G10 is rated to 60 watts.


Not being ignorant, not reading it, just ignorant not understanding!!!!!


I'm such a technophobe really. Guitar, amp and volume's m,y usual approach

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