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Dark Angel

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Originally posted by Sty1es

Which is no disrespect to M.W., who is in my opinion, doing somewhat of a good idea with this reamping idea...but kind of shows that his work is drying up.



Actually, this is not true at all. This is within his character. He's doing a lot of "Pro Bono" in the audio world right now.


I wouldn't worry about his wallet.

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Originally posted by Dark Angel

Actually, this is not true at all. This is within his character. He's doing a lot of "Pro Bono" in the audio world right now.

I wouldn't worry about his wallet.

Maybe so, I've been following an old thread on the slutz forum in which he offered an internship to one person on the forum...however the internship was completely unpaid, except for meals on the job, and you were limited to merely doing errands and sitting next to/behind Mike during limited sessions...but it required virtually unlimited availability with virtually unlimited hours a week, with absolutely no compensation except for the fact that you could say you worked with him, and maybe, if he had the time, and believed in you, he'd explain how some of the gear works in his studio.

He recieved quite a bit of flack on that thread (way more pages than any thread here except for maybe the caparison threads :) ) and alot of standpoints came from alot of different and established people in the industry. Some said "Wow, what an opportunity for someone to have," most said "What the {censored}, you're expecting for someone to move to a new town, work for free without any compensation, food/rent/life money, isn't there something wrong with that?"

I see both sides of it. Maybe a kid who's got parents with deep pockets who can afford a Full Sail education will be able to get that internship if it hasn't already been filled...and there's no 'internship loan' as far as I've heard. I'm gonna tend to support the up-and-comers, because the last thing anyone needs in this industry is another well-known person breaking you down, using you for your talents for free, and then sending you back into the world with nothing but, quote, "experience." It's stupid, you can never get a job purely based on who you may have worked with at one time.

Most people in today's money-making music industry won't even recognize his name, nor the bands he produced. Sorry Mikey.

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Originally posted by Sty1es

I'd rather just track the old fashion way. Just guitar -> amp -> mic. You might get a similar tone with reamping but it just ain't the same to me.

I'd rather work with what I've got (which granted, is pretty {censored}ing good, so I can't bitch) than send it out to anyone to get tweaked by someone else, be it M.W. (who I talk to on the slutz forum frequently) or anybody. As another 'engineer' I'm too picky about sounds and their placement in the mix to have someone else handle my art. I'd rather rough it out and do it the right way.

Which is no disrespect to M.W., who is in my opinion, doing somewhat of a good idea with this reamping idea...but kind of shows that his work is drying up. He should be doing what he is best at; producing records (and getting paid accordingly); instead of doing a service for joe shmo. I guess if joe shmo has the dough, theres no problemo. Jeez i need to stop hanging out with rappers.

Back to the issue...if you like the idea, go for it. He's offering everyone a chance to play through his huge amp collection for pretty cheap. If you're paying $100 a track, for an EP/Album you might as well fly down there though and be able to tweak it allongside or at least be able to take it in.

But what about all the other issues? It doesn't stop at just the fact that it's going through another amp....its going through X/Y/Z mics, preamps, maybe dynamics, conversions, etc, etc....in my own eyes I just couldn't justify sending a raw guitar track to someone else and have them work their mojo, without me. What about my mojo? It's my goddamn song!

{censored}ing ADD.

Anyway, I'm really not here nor there with this whole issue. Just posting bull{censored} to add to the pile. What was the point?

Totally agree!

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Originally posted by Dark Angel

That's a big assumption. I have oodles of amps. I have oodles of cabs, mics, preamps, EQ's, Compressors.

But you know what? Wagener's been doing this since I was in diapers and has some nicer stuff thatn I do. I can track through any of my amps, even the same amp I want him to reamp through, same settings, even same volume. There's no missing experience in the playing. I just send the direct track to him, regardlessof my "live" chain.

Do you think your amp knows what's playing it?

And how do you play when the stage is so loud, nuance is only the the level of crackling of your eardrum?

Unless you can do a better job than the engineer offering the service, you're a goofball to do it yourself except as a learning experience. Period.

I've yet o see anyone claiming they can (because it would illustrate they are in the wrong business... politics or law, with the rest of the bull{censored}).

And to the Bizzaro World Wagener of HCAF... uh since when is Metallica, Testament, Overkill, etc butt rock? He was a figure in the 80's, but he's don a lot more than "80's" guitar. The Testament albums slay.

Its not about what is "better" or "worse", its about how you prefer things. I dont want the sound that X band has on their Y record, so I wont go sending clean tracks for reamping to someone. i just like to track what I hear.
I like doing it myself for two reasons: 1) As a learning experience, as you'e just said, 2) I like things to zip that way or zap the other way, I want total control of my sound and the recording process, not to send something out and not be sure what will come back (no matter how "good" that might be)
Mainly doing it myself for the first reason experience and for fun!

Just my opinion and how I prefer things, nnot trying to convince anyone that things are better that way :)

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I think reamping is a cool idea. I'm thinking about getting some radial engineering stuff at some point to do reamping so if anyone wants me to reamp their playing through one of my amps, I would do it (for free obviously) as long as the request wasn't too ridiculous and I had the spare time.


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