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Kyle DiSanto

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Thanks to all who listened!





Originally posted by ThreeCityFlomp


Are you digging the Cobra with the mesa traditional cab? I saw you had it for sale a while ago.



I am. I have had alot of tone up and downs with the Cobra/Trad cab, but Now Im realizing that it is more my guitar than the Amp/Cab. I am gunna sell of my engl cab and keep the Cobra/mesa Trad combo.

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Originally posted by OneArmedScissors

I have to agree.

1) I believe it is clipping.

2) It is a bit fizzy. That could disappear in a mix, however...

3) It is also muffled, so it might disappear in a mix altogether, and if you boosted the highs to make it more clear, it would just become even fizzier.

None of those things are indicative of an issue with the amp, but they also severely mask any way to really tell how good it does sound.



Hey man, thanks for the response...there is a little bit a clipping in the first clip..(the not LOG one). The Log clip I got it to record a bit louder and cleaner.

I atribute the fizz to the Beta 58 mic. A couple other guys have mentioned that it isnt good for instruments, but until I get annother mic to pair up with my 57, this is all I got!


In person the amp sounds very full and clear. It has just the right ammount of low end/ mids and the little bit of high end sizzle is something I actually really love and In a band, it goes away very quickly!

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Originally posted by guitarist17

i like the first LOG clip. sounds WICKED man, what were your settings? thanks




Thanks for listening man...


Settings, All in Oclock:


Channel II

Gain: 3

Bass: 10:45

Mid: 1

Treb: 12

Pres: 12

Channel Vol: Dimed

Master volume: 9 oclock.


If you can get the master around 9, then you are basically set with the cobra and that is where its tone starts to come to life.

I have realized that you need to get the vintage30s in mesa cabs to move some air and then they get tighter and really crunchy. Lower volumes produce a bubble that I really don't like to hear but I can lower that with some eq changes

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