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Bogner Ecstasy ... Tell me your thoughts

Kevin Pelletier

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Originally posted by Kevin Pelletier

For those of you who own a Bogner Ecstasy or have played one extensively please voice your thoughts on an amp that I have never had the chance to play.



I bought one about a month ago, and it has absolutely changed my outlook on playing. It's really that good.


I view it as actually having 4 channels: Green, Plexi, Blue, and Red.


Plexi mode is as described: if you're looking for the classic Page/Angus Young Marshall tone - this is it. I haven't heard anything closer without actually having an old Marshall.


Blue is a great high-gain Marshall (almost 'brown sound') tone, with red being a super-gain for newer metal and lead work. Red won't quite get to 'nu-metal', though - you want the Uberschall if that's your gig. Green is clean - IMHO, this is the weakest channel on the amp. It's still very decent, but it takes some serious tweaking to get a really good clean sound, while the rest are effortless to get a great tone.


At the half-power, Class A, 'old' setting (triode), you have reduced the power level to what is a great practice-amp. At full-power, Class AB, 'new' (pentode), it will detonate the room with a 4x12 cabinet.


The tone settings are touchy - a very small adjustment will make a BIG change, so it's a bit surprising just how wide the range of adjustment is. Also, the amp maintains a pretty defined sense of attack, so it will show flaws in picking inconsistencies and timing more than most amps. These two characteristics are (I believe) responsible for a lot of the criticism this amp gets. If it is set up poorly in the store (scooped mids, for example) and you don't try to set it right, you may believe it sounds horrible; also, if you are used to relying on a 'fuzzy' or compressed (i.e., modeller) sound to cover inconsistent fretting, you won't like this amp, as it will bring out ALL the nuances of your style, including those you may prefer to leave hidden.


Hope this helps......

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Originally posted by SteinbergerHack

I bought one about a month ago, and it has absolutely changed my outlook on playing. It's really that good.

I view it as actually having 4 channels: Green, Plexi, Blue, and Red.

Plexi mode is as described: if you're looking for the classic Page/Angus Young Marshall tone - this is it. I haven't heard anything closer without actually having an old Marshall.

Blue is a great high-gain Marshall (almost 'brown sound') tone, with red being a super-gain for newer metal and lead work. Red won't quite get to 'nu-metal', though - you want the Uberschall if that's your gig. Green is clean - IMHO, this is the weakest channel on the amp. It's still very decent, but it takes some serious tweaking to get a really good clean sound, while the rest are effortless to get a great tone.

At the half-power, Class A, 'old' setting (triode), you have reduced the power level to what is a great practice-amp. At full-power, Class AB, 'new' (pentode), it will detonate the room with a 4x12 cabinet.

The tone settings are touchy - a very small adjustment will make a BIG change, so it's a bit surprising just how wide the range of adjustment is. Also, the amp maintains a pretty defined sense of attack, so it will show flaws in picking inconsistencies and timing more than most amps. These two characteristics are (I believe) responsible for a lot of the criticism this amp gets. If it is set up poorly in the store (scooped mids, for example) and you don't try to set it right, you may believe it sounds horrible; also, if you are used to relying on a 'fuzzy' or compressed (i.e., modeller) sound to cover inconsistent fretting, you won't like this amp, as it will bring out ALL the nuances of your style, including those you may prefer to leave hidden.

Hope this helps......



Thanks , I prefer amps that are tight and as of yet my amp of choice would be my VHT Ultra Lead . It doesn't get any tighter than that, but I would imagine from the clips that I have heard of the Bogner that it would be more forgiving than the VHT in that respect.

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