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Tom Morello sound/amps etc.


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My friends son, as he is getting into playing, wants to target Tom Morello's sound. What amps does Tom use/used? Can a marshall-like 50 watter, that has great clean/crunch/headroom be used with pedals to do a Tom thing? Beside his special use of pedals for sound effects.

Thanks Gary

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Originally posted by garyrogue


My friends son, as he is getting into playing, wants to target Tom Morello's sound. What amps does Tom use/used? Can a marshall-like 50 watter, that has great clean/crunch/headroom be used with pedals to do a Tom thing? Beside his special use of pedals for sound effects.

Thanks Gary

50 watt JCM 800 should do you pretty good.


Whammy pedal too.

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Marshall JCM 800 2205 which is a Two Channel head with reverb.



Can a marshall-like 50 watter, that has great clean/crunch/headroom be used with pedals to do a Tom thing?


Easily. Just dial it in for a nice big crunch and you've got it. Add a Whammy pedal, crybaby wah, flanger, and a delay, and you're set. :)

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Originally posted by telephant

Add a Whammy pedal, crybaby wah, flanger, and a delay, and you're set.


He's been using a ton of phaser and tremolo recently, too.


His effects are just the wah, whammy, and ordinary Boss pedals right into the front of the amp, iirc.

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Originally posted by garyrogue


My friends son, as he is getting into playing, wants to target Tom Morello's sound. What amps does Tom use/used? Can a marshall-like 50 watter, that has great clean/crunch/headroom be used with pedals to do a Tom thing? Beside his special use of pedals for sound effects.

Thanks Gary



This is what I found:


"Tom Morello's Setup


Tom's RATM live setup is as follows in order;


Boss TR-2 Tremelo

Dunlop GCB95 Original Crybaby

Digitech WH-1 Whammy

Boss DD-2 Digital Delay

DOD FX40B Equalizer

Ibanez DFL Digital Flanger


All his effects, including the Wah and Whammy, are placed in the FX loop of the amp (the guitar runs straight to the amp). It isn't usually common practise to put a Wah in the FX loop (after the pre-amp, i.e after distortion) but Tom has said himself that he does this and if you listen closely to his Wah sound (specifically Bulls on Parade) and try it out for yourself you will see that its the case.


His setup with Audioslave is exactly the same except he has swapped the Flanger for an MXR Phase 90.


Tom uses a Marshall JCM800 2205 head with a Peavey base cabinet on stage. He doesn't use the clean channel of his amp but instead simply uses the volume control of his guitars to determine the gain.

Tom uses custom Jim Dunlop Tortex Jazz picks, these are simply normal H3 Tortex Jazz picks (purple, 1.14 gauge) with Soul Power printed on one side and the Audioslave logo on the reverse. Chris Cornell uses custom black 1.0 mm Tortex Standard picks with the Audioslave logo printed on one side. "

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Thanks everyone, I'll pass this info on. Will have to make due, the amp has now effects loop. Also, I think the JCM800 may have a bit more gain, so maybe an inexpensive bad monkey should satisfy that, or if another drive pedal would work better?

Thanks Gary

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Originally posted by garyrogue

Thanks everyone, I'll pass this info on. Will have to make due, the amp has now effects loop. Also, I think the JCM800 may have a bit more gain, so maybe an inexpensive bad monkey should satisfy that, or if another drive pedal would work better?

Thanks Gary

Tom's sound isn't all that special or unique. Play around.

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Originally posted by garyrogue

if another drive pedal would work better?



What kind of amp does have right now?


A Marshall Jackhammer pedal would do a good job for Morello's tone providing that you have an amp with a decent clean channel.

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I can get a pretty convincing Tom Morrelloish sound out of my Marshall 3203, which is a lot less money than a JCM 800. Key is to back off the gain, I was shocked when I realized how low my gain was:eek:

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Well he has tried some Solid state Marshall, took it back, yea.

And from his influence of father's other friends he will go with tubes. I live about 250 miles away. The amp that he'll probably get (does not have one now) is a Whitney Penta 66. With external bias (can also take 6v6 and 6l6 tubes), PTP, hi/low volt toggle, fixed or cathode switch, high low input and boost switch. I don't think many have heard of this builder. Amp modeled after superlead plexi. With the features, he'll it may help him in getting knowledgeable about tweaking tube amps. Even in hi input with boost engaged it is not overly gained out, nice cleanish crunch. Yes I own it now, and the price point for him to enter into resonably priced handmade amp is good. So before he and his dad decide to get it, I wanted to make sure it would be close to the mark and it sounds like it is up to the task.

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Originally posted by garyrogue

Well he has tried some Solid state Marshall, took it back, yea.

And from his influence of father's other friends he will go with tubes. I live about 250 miles away. The amp that he'll probably get (does not have one now) is a Whitney Penta 66. With external bias (can also take 6v6 and 6l6 tubes), PTP, hi/low volt toggle, fixed or cathode switch, high low input and boost switch. I don't think many have heard of this builder. Amp modeled after superlead plexi. With the features, he'll it may help him in getting knowledgeable about tweaking tube amps. Even in hi input with boost engaged it is not overly gained out, nice cleanish crunch. Yes I own it now, and the price point for him to enter into resonably priced handmade amp is good. So before he and his dad decide to get it, I wanted to make sure it would be close to the mark and it sounds like it is up to the task.


If you were reffering to my post, the 3203 is far from any other SS marshall. It has a tube power amp and SS preamp, but sounds great! It's leaps and bounds ahead of the valvestate and mg stuff.

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I like his sound also, so tell "your friends son" to buy a Marshall JCM800 2204, Ibanez DFL flanger(take no substitude), Dunlop 535Q, Boss DD-2, and a Digitech Whammy and your right in the neighbourhood...

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Originally posted by garyrogue

nah was not refering to it, just what the kid had tried, had a FX in the name if I remeber what his dad said. I'm not even sure it was all SS?

That's one of the newer Marshalls. the 3203 was only made for about 5 years in the late 80's and early 90's. They're only about 400 bucks and they're a great amp. Just trying to save your friend some dough, in case his son doesn't end up playing that long...:thu:

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Thanks for all the hints/advise. I cut and pasted and will pass on info.. The boy is also playing drums (I think he is 13/14 yrs old), maybe a dash of bass also. Also has a year older brother dabbling in it, so they share and hopefully they won't loose out.


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Guitars and Effects, by Song and Album:


Rage Against the Machine:


# Bombtrack:Arm the Homeless

# Slide

# Flanger


Killing in the Name:

# Telecaster

# Flanger

# Whammy set 2 octaves up


Take the Power Back:

# Telecaster


Settle for Nothing:

# Arm The Homeless

# Telecaster for the solo


Bullet in the Head:

# Arm The Homeless

# Whammy set 2 octaves up

# Wah-Wah


Know Your Enemy:

# Arm The Homeless

# Whammy harmonizing up a fifth


Wake Up:

# Telecaster

# Arm The Homeless for the solo

# Flanger

# Whammy set 1 octave up

# Talkbox

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing up a seventh


Fistful of Steel:

# Arm The Homeless

# Whammy set 2 octaves up

# Slide


Township Rebellion:

# Telecaster

# Whammy harmonizing down a fourth

# Flanger



# Telecaster

# Flanger

# Whammy

# Wah-Wah

Return to the Top


Evil Empire:


People of the Sun:

# Arm The Homeless

# Allen Wrench (rubbed on strings)


Bulls on Parade:

# Arm the Homeless

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing 1 octave down



# Arm The Homeless

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing 1 octave down

# Delay



# Ibanez Talman

# Delay

# Number 2 Pencil



# St. George "creamy"

# Wah-Wah


Tire Me:

# St. George "creamy"

# Wah-Wah


Down Rodeo:

# Arm The Homeless

# Tone Bender

# Whammy harmonizing 1 octave down

# Wah-Wah


Without a Face:

# Arm The Homeless

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing 1 octave down

# Slide

# Delay


Wind Below:

# Arm The Homeless

# Whammy set 2 octaves up

# Flanger

# Reverb


Roll Right:

# St. George "creamy"

# Wah-Wah

# Delay

# Whammy harmonizing up a fifth and seventh

# Slide


Year of the Boomerang:

# Telecaster

# Whammy set up 2 octaves

Return to the Top


Battle of Los Angeles:



# St. George "creamy" for intro

# Telecaster and Les Paul for verse

# Breadwinner for "breakdown"

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing up a seventh

# Delay


Guerilla Radio:

# Ibanez Artstar

# Talkbox

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing up 1 octave

# Gated Delay

# Phaser

# Flanger


Calm Like a Bomb:

# St. George "creamy"

# Whammy set 2 octaves up

# Delay


Mic Check:

# Arm The Homeless

# Wah-Wah

# Delay

# Slide


Sleep Now in the Fire:

# Arm The Homeless

# Breadwinner overdubbed near the end

# Tone Bender


Born of a Broken Man:

# Telecaster

# Wah-Wah


Born as Ghosts:

# Unknown, believed to be Ibanez Talman

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy



# Arm The Homeless

# Whammy set to deep detune


Voice of the Voiceless:

# Telecaster

# Whammy (twirls knob)


New Millenium Homes:

# Ibanez Talman

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing up a third


Ashes in the Fall:

# Ibanez Talman

# Breadwinner

# Wah-Wah

# Delay

# Whammy set up 2 octaves


War Within a Breath:

# Telecaster

# Whammy set up 2 octaves

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Microphone Fiend:

# Arm The Homeless

# Ibanez Artstar Hollowbody

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing 1 octave down


Pistol Grip Pump:

# Telecaster

# Ibanez Talman or Arm The Homeless for the solo

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing 1 octave up


Kick Out the Jams:

# Ibanez Artstar Hollowbody

# Artstar Built-In Tremolo


Renegades of Funk:

# Telecaster

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy set 2 octaves up

# Manual detune of B string


Beautiful World:

# Arm The Homeless


I'm Housin':

# Arm The Homeless

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing 1 octave up


In My Eyes:

# Arm The Homeless


How I Could Just Kill a Man:

# Ibanez Talman

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing 1 octave up


Ghost of Tom Joad:

# Gibson Double-Neck SG

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing 1 octave down


Down On the Street:

# Telecaster

# Arm The Homeless overdubbed on the solo

# Wah-Wah


Street Fighting Man:

# Telecaster

# Arm The Homeless

# Whammy set 1 octave up


Maggie's Farm:

# Telecaster

# Whammy set down one step

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# Telecaster


Clear the Lane:

# Arm The Homeless

# Whammy set 2 octaves up


Zapata's Blood:

# Telecaster

# Delay

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy set 1 octave up



# Arm The Homeless

# Delay

# Slide


No Shelter:

# Telecaster

# Wah-Wah

# Whammy harmonizing up a seventh


Hadda Be Playin' on the Jukebox:

# Arm The Homeless

# Delay



# Arm The Homeless

# Delay

# Whammy set 2 octaves up



# Telecaster


Mindset's a Threat:

# Arm The Homeless

# Harmonized Guitars


{censored} tha Police:

# Arm The Homeless

# Whammy set 2 octaves up






-Slap Back Delay (Intro, Solo)

-Phaser (Bridge)


Show Me How to Live

-Phaser (Solo)

-Toggle (Solo)

-Whammy-up one octave (Outro)



-Tremelo (Verse)

-Wah (Solo)


What You Are

-Wah (Solo)

-Slide (Solo)


Like A Stone

-Tremelo (Verse, Chorus)

-Whammy-up two octaves (Solo)

-Delay (Solo)


Set It Off

-Tremelo (Intro)

-Wah (Intro)

-Whammy-harmonize 5th-7th (Intro)


Shadow On The Sun

-Whammy-turn knob (Solo)

-Toggle (Post Solo)


I Am The Highway

-Volume Swell (Intro)

-Delay (Intro, Solo)

-Tremelo (Chorus)



-Whammy-up one octave (Solo)



-Delay (Verse)

-Toggle (Verse)

-Tremelo (Chorus)

-Whammy-up one octave (Solo)

-Whammy Bar (Solo)


Bring 'Em Back Alive

-Whammy-up one octave (Solo)

-Whammy Bar (Solo)


Light My Way

-Whammy-up two octaves (Intro)

-Delay (Intro)

-Wah (Verse)

-Cell Phone played through pickups (2nd Verse)

-Flanger (Bridge)


Getaway Car

-Phaser (Outro)


Last Remaining Light

-Whammy-harmonize one octave (Verse, Chorus)

-Lots of Reverb (Solo)

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