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OT: Information SPAM


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Rather then openly spam and piss of the guys not interested what I will do in the future is when I add a new product line, I will just post a heads up and those interested can pm,e mail or call me(number on my website) and I can give them prices and info.


I am thrilled to be made a dealer for the finest and most diverse pickup line I believe there is and thats Seymour Duncan. I will offer these at prices you guys will love:love: Contact me for info:thu:


Also I am expanding the Core One cables by adding the higher end Core X2.These are the finest cables for the price PERIOD.I wired my enitre rack unit with these and the Hush unit is now useless and not needed.....Silent and transparent cables that sound even better then I thought possible at the price....


Call for info on these too


Before you buy ANY item give me an opportunity to save you some money by giving you a quote. You will get personal service and support from yours truly:wave:


I want to thank those who are upset by my " shameless spamming" for being patient while I work on a better way to personally contact my customers (many of whom post here). I am looking for software that can e mail my entire client list for product info, updates and pricing IF anyone knows of a software that will do this PLEASE let me know, I will send you a gift if I end up being able to use it for my needs............Thanks Guys...........John

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Originally posted by zepman
I am looking for software that can e mail my entire client list for product info, updates and pricing IF anyone knows of a software that will do this PLEASE let me know, I will send you a gift if I end up being able to use it for my needs............Thanks Guys...........John



Can't you just start collecting email addresses when you take orders, then create a mailing list or something? That works fine on a smaller scale.

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Originally posted by SergeantThump

Can't you just start collecting email addresses when you take orders, then create a mailing list or something? That works fine on a smaller scale.



Chris, I have e mail addresses I just dont have time to send them out one at a time, or even do it myself. I really need a program that will allow me to check boxes on which info goes to whom and then will auto send to entire list(does that make sense what I am after?)I have several hundred repeat customers at least, too many to do one at a time...Thanks John

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Originally posted by cloudnine

Nah Zep, just keep telling us about {censored} here, and {censored} the haters.w

If I need any pups (including maybe a 78 EVH
) you will be the one to talk to!

Right now the SD custom shop has those on special cheaper then the wholesale price, if you are looking for those you got to act fast ( I ordered one for my GMW)and direct to SD custom shop. If u need PM me and I will link you to the page...............Thanks John

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Originally posted by FloydianAnimal

Are you going to be offering the Parallel Axis line of trembucker? I love those pickups!

I will have an open PO with them and can order anything you want:thu:

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Originally posted by zepman

Chris, I have e mail addresses I just dont have time to send them out one at a time, or even do it myself. I really need a program that will allow me to check boxes on which info goes to whom and then will auto send to entire list(does that make sense what I am after?)I have several hundred repeat customers at least, too many to do one at a time...Thanks John



You can separate the emails by either a comma or semi colon (can't remember which) into one list. Then you send it to yourself and "blind copy" the big list. That way, everyone gets the same email in one swoop and they can't see each other's email addresses. Works great.


However, if you want to send different things to different people, I guess that's harder. I see what you mean.

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Originally posted by SergeantThump

You can separate the emails by either a comma or semi colon (can't remember which) into one list. Then you send it to yourself and "blind copy" the big list. That way, everyone gets the same email in one swoop and they can't see each other's email addresses. Works great.

However, if you want to send different things to different people, I guess that's harder. I see what you mean.



Yep, What I really think would be cool is a e mail data base that I can setup which products, what instrument, preferences etc for EACH client so that when I have a special I can click send to all, all guitarists,snake oil uses, or drummers etc and that group ONLY would get that mailing.That way I dont just clog guys inbox with something they wouldnt/couldnt use..........John:wave:

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