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Another announcement by Chad Dyer on 357 (might mean something):


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Originally posted by Bob Savage

No, he says he never worked for them.

But, he also quit being the webmaster for ZW's site a couple days ago because of this. Now he's back to say something for 357? Why not just stick it out, or actually walk away? In or out, dude! :)

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Originally posted by JamesPeters

But, he also quit being the webmaster for ZW's site a couple days ago because of this. Now he's back to say something for 357? Why not just stick it out, or actually walk away? In or out, dude!

He is figuring if he keeps lying as much as he can...then people will be tricked even more.

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Originally posted by JamesPeters

But, he also quit being the webmaster for ZW's site a couple days ago because of this. Now he's back to say something for 357? Why not just stick it out, or actually walk away? In or out, dude!

Are you sure about that? He's still been posting on the forums as an admin. :confused:

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Originally posted by Bob Savage


It must suck for you to have the truth plastered on a forum that you can't control gestapo syle like you do over at zakkwylde.com. And if the pill is hard to swallow, try shoving it up your ass--then you might know how the customers YOU dicked over feel.


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Originally posted by Bob Savage

Are you sure about that? He's still been posting on the forums as an admin.

Let me put it this way--I am not sure about anything he says, especially that. From day one I wasn't sure about what he was saying...I'm one of the "told you so" guys here. :)

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Originally posted by facefirst

Honestly, it's out of his hands. He endorsed it but it's not his deal. If you don't like the Ab Cruncher you don't tell Suzanne Somers to give you your money back.


We'll see, I guess. He's releasing a statement next week, apparently. Also, your analogy is not valid.

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Originally posted by JamesPeters

Let me put it this way--I am not sure about anything he says, especially that. From day one I wasn't sure about what he was saying...I'm one of the "told you so" guys here.

Are you certain about that?

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I've followed this 357 debacle over many threads but never commented until now.
What I find most interesting about all of this is how Zakk Wylde's reputation on this board has gone downhill. At the first of the year Zakk could've been elected to the holy trinity of guitarists, knocking out Eric Johnson to join Jimi Hendrix and SRV at the throne. Now, he's a total joke and the target of ridicule and anger.

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Originally posted by PlayboyChris

And two weeks ago refunds were supposed to be issued. That didn't happen. Nor will this.



No no no, there will be a statement next week!


The statement will be:


"There will be a statement next week."

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Official Statement:

We are pleased to announce that due to the mishap on the Epiphone Zakk Wylde deal we will be making amends by giving you TWO, yes COUNT EM' TWO, Zakk Wylde Epiphone guitars and they will DEFINITELY ship by Aug 31.

Also with the purchase of a 357 Moped you will be provided with a pass allowing you to travel with BLS. Share the same bus as Zakk Wylde. Throw down some beers with fellow SDMFer's and get a new patch for your vest!

-357 Webmaster

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

I don't understand why/how Zakk could be so wealthy. He's not Ozzy, afterall. Doesn't BLS play clubs, not arena's?

That's a LOT of coin to pull out of your pocket, and quite frankly, if he had nothing to do with the deal, it's not his responsibility anyway.



I'd say he's not rich...



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Originally posted by atbear

We'll see, I guess. He's releasing a statement next week, apparently. Also, your analogy is not valid.



Hmm, let's see. I'll do this SAT style


Zakk Wylde endorsing 357's guitar deal = Suzanne Somers endorsing Ab Crunchers being sold


Now following that logic. If you never get your ugly-ass ZW LP or your money back from 357 = If you never got your Ab Cruncher or money back from the Ab Cruncher company.


In conclusion, you're going after the celebrity endorser to try and do something = a complete waste of time.


If you need me to draw you a diagram let me know.

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Originally posted by PlayboyChris

One thing's for sure .... with this statement, you've said absolutely NOTHING.

In five minutes I might take a {censored}. Or, I might not.



Damn, that was funny, I just shot diet pepsi through my nose:D

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Originally posted by facefirst

Hmm, let's see. I'll do this SAT style

Zakk Wylde endorsing 357's guitar deal = Suzanne Somers endorsing Ab Crunchers being sold

Now following that logic. If you never get your ugly-ass ZW LP or your money back from 357 = If you never got your Ab Cruncher or money back from the Ab Cruncher company.

In conclusion, you're going after the celebrity endorser to try and do something = a complete waste of time.

If you need me to draw you a diagram let me know.


I'd never get you to draw me a diagram, because you obviously have no concept of what the dissimilarities are.

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Originally posted by facefirst

Hmm, let's see. I'll do this SAT style

Zakk Wylde endorsing 357's guitar deal = Suzanne Somers endorsing Ab Crunchers being sold

Now following that logic. If you never get your ugly-ass ZW LP or your money back from 357 = If you never got your Ab Cruncher or money back from the Ab Cruncher company.

In conclusion, you're going after the celebrity endorser to try and do something = a complete waste of time.

If you need me to draw you a diagram let me know.



In my opinion it's a little different than that due to the fact that the deal was pimped on Zakks official website. He wasn't just an endorser, we were led to believe the deal was legit because he was backing it and advertising it on said website. Not to mention it was pushed by his employee.

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