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marshall 1936 2x12" - sounds really really weird.


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Ok, here is the thing.

I have attempted to record my marshall TSl 60 + cabinet 1936 2x12".


1st time: SM 57 on LEFT speaker -

result: poor ugly sound, like its far away, bottled in a can. Its difficult to describe it with words but its just not right


2nd time (yesterday): SM 57 on RIGHT speaker.

Result: almost perfect sound, round and focused full of presence


The difference is like night and day: Right = good sound, and LEFT= bad sound.



My question:

could it be that this cabinet gone, or the two celestions in it, are supposed to sound different?

Am i doing something wrong with the Ohm selector (8-16)?

If this is abnormal, have you got any suggestion on how to fix it?


Any, really any help to answer this, would be great. Thanks, M

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My 1936 came stock with two 75 watt celestions ( I think this was the speaker configuration for all 1936's). Both sides should sound the same. Just make sure you are using the mono input on the cab and that the head is set to 8 ohms. If that does not work your left speaker may be damaged. Is the cab stock, or is there a chance one / both of the speakers have been changed?

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If the speakers are identicle (ohm rating included) they should sound very similar. Are you placing the mic exactly the same way on each speaker? How does the 2x12 sound without recording/mic'ed? Some speakers can record better than others even when they are the same. Did you try different mic positions on the left speaker?

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Originally posted by xSPARKYx

My 1936 came stock with two 75 watt celestions ( I think this was the speaker configuration for all 1936's). Both sides should sound the same. Just make sure you are using the mono input on the cab and that the head is set to 8 ohms. If that does not work your left speaker may be damaged. Is the cab stock, or is there a chance one / both of the speakers have been changed?



first, tx for answer. Its all stock. Bought new 5 yrs ago

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Originally posted by Richard Guy

If the speakers are identicle (ohm rating included) they should sound very similar. Are you placing the mic exactly the same way on each speaker? How does the 2x12 sound without recording/mic'ed? Some speakers can record better than others even when they are the same. Did you try different mic positions on the left speaker?



I did. It was a relief to actually find out that at least one of them sounds the way it should...

Its not like one is slightly better than the other...one sounds good, and the other one does not. Moved the mic all around. That is actually the reason I discovered this

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Check polarity first as the prior post advised. You can use a 9 volt battery across a cable (tip/ring) plugged into the cab and check for uniform movment of both speakers (both move in or out together. You can put you finger on the rear of the cones to 'feel') If that all checks out, I would remove the left speaker and examine it by uniformly applying pressure with your open hand (finger tips) on the cone to see if it moves without scratching or such. I would also measure it with an ohm meter to see if the rated value is close to the meters value (it will be slightly less)

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