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G-Major flat out kills!


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IT's my understanding that the switching will not work with the Mark IV. I've heard that the G-Major and the Mark IV's relays don't play well together. I'm gonna have to contact Mesa to find out for sure. It would be sweet though. All I want to do is toggle between the three channels. If not, then I'll have to go with the Axis unit. If anyone has successfully setup their G-Major/Mark IV rig to channel switch, PM me.... I'd like to hear how you did it.

I've heard alot of horror stories about reliability as well, but a good friend of my has had his for over a year without any problems. SO I figured what the hell.

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Originally posted by H_V_C

Hey Bob,

well, I felt I was spending too much time thinking about gear, and not enough time thinking about my music! And now I'm going to Berklee, here in Boston, so I'm pretty busy.

I still like to come back and read threads now and again, but I don't post much. (They took away my whole post count and made me start over

how are you man?

It sounds like you're doing the right things, still, you should hang more, just control the G.A.S.

Things are good here, just the same old song and dance. It must have been years since you've been here. You've even got an mp3.com link in your sig!

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Hey Bob,
Yep , it's been a damn long time.

It's funny you say I should come and just control my gas, because as soon as I started posting like 2-3 weeks ago, I decided to sell half my gear and buy a bunch of boo-teek stuff. Go figure, this place is the devil. I know it's wrong, but it feels soooo right. :)

Hi Berklee Bill

Things are not bad at berklee, but the admin is still just as {censored}ed up as always. Good thing the teachers are cool as {censored}.
Take it easy.................

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Originally posted by H_V_C

Hey Bob,

Yep , it's been a damn long time.

It's funny you say I should come and just control my gas, because as soon as I started posting like 2-3 weeks ago, I decided to sell half my gear and buy a bunch of boo-teek stuff. Go figure, this place is the devil. I know it's wrong, but it feels soooo right.

Ugh, that sucks. Well, maybe this place is just bad for you! It's good to see you around again though.

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And to learn more about the FCB1010 foot controller:

But if you use a G-Major, the foot controller I love the most is the Roland FC-200:

I love my G-Major. TC Electronic makes outstanding gear and I use it with my Boogie gear. I've tried switching to other companies FX but keep coming back to this one because the sound is great and it's really easy to program, plus MIDI control is outstanding (and easy to set up).

The buttons aren't the highest quality, but I do everything from a foot controller so they are barely touched anyway.

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